People Scrutiny Panel – 13 March 2012

PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Bromby in the chair.

Councillors Barker (Vice-Chair), Armitage, Jawaid MBE, Marper, Robinson and Wells.

Statutory Co-opted Members: Mrs A Dunkerley (Parent Governor Representative) and Mr W Egan and Mrs W Witter (Church Representatives).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

66  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

67  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

68  CABINET MEMBER AND SERVICE AREA PRIORITIES – The Chairman welcomed Councillor Waltham, the council’s Children and Adult’s Services Cabinet Member, to the meeting.  Councillor Waltham had been invited to the panel meeting to update members on any key decisions, important business or key developments which had occurred during the last quarter.

Discussion centred around the following –

  • School estates,
  • Childcare,
  • The Youth Offending Team,
  • Apprenticeships,
  • The forthcoming Young Mayor election,

Councillor Waltham also discussed his views on corporate parenting and the panel’s ongoing review into the plans and expectations of young people leaving care.

The Chairman then updated members on recent discussions with key officers and the site visit to a local children’s home.

Resolved – (a) That the oral update be noted, and (b) that the council’s Children and Adult’s Services Cabinet Member be thanked for his attendance, oral update and for answering members’ questions.

69  (14) AGREEMENT OF A BID TO BECOME A SCRUTINY DEVELOPMENT AREA – The Chairman invited comments on a draft bid to be submitted to the Centre for Public Scrutiny to receive support to ensure that accountability and scrutiny is embedded in the future health reforms.

Members suggested a number of changes, which were debated and agreed.

Resolved – That the draft bid be altered and submitted to the Centre for Public Scrutiny.

70  DERMATOLOGY – The Chairman updated the panel on a recent meeting between local providers and commissioners to discuss dermatology provision across North Lincolnshire.  It was explained that clinicians were now drawing up referral pathways, and that issues relating to cancer care had been resolved.

Resolved – (a) That the situation be noted, and (b) that the panel maintain a ‘watching brief’ on the subject, with feedback as necessary.

71  DEVELOPMENTS IN CHILDREN’S SERVICES, HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE – Members received a short, verbal update on developing issues relevant to the panel’s terms of reference.