People Scrutiny Panel – 27 February 2013

PRESENT:  Councillor Marper in the Chair.
Councillors Collinson (Vice-Chair), Evison, Godfrey and Wells.

Statutory Co-opted Members:  Mrs Angela Dunkerley (Parent Governor Representative) Mr W Egan and Mrs W Witter (Church Representatives).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

178  DECLARATIONS OF DISCOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests –

No whip was declared.

179  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

180  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 6 February 2013, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman.

181  REVIEW OF CHILDHOOD WEIGHT IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – Dr Frances Cunning, North Lincolnshire Joint Director for Public Health for NHS North Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire Council attended the meeting along with Steve Mercer and Emma Howard-Drake from the health Improvement Partnership. They informed the panel of various issues with regards to overweight children in North Lincolnshire and highlighted that around 17.4% of year 6 children are classified as obese, and that we are the second worse statistically in the Yorkshire and Humber region for overweight children in reception and year 6. Frances indicated that there was very little variation across the wards, and that an overweight child is more likely to become an overweight adult, in-turn reducing life expectancy of between 3-9 years. Further discussion took place with members on problems areas, and areas of good practice within North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – (a) That the areas discussed be noted, and (b) that Dr Frances Cunning, Steve Mercer and Emma Howard-Drake be thanked for their attendance.

182  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.