People Scrutiny Panel – 26 June 2014

PRESENT:  Councillor Marper in the Chair.
Councillors Collinson (Vice-Chair), Armitage, Clark and Wells.

Statutory Co-opted Members: Mrs P Whittaker and Mrs D Senior (Parent Governor Representatives).

Councillor Whiteley attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).
The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

Member Minute Nature of Interest
Councillor Clark 265


Member of family employed within the People directorate
Councillor Collinson 265
Member of family employed within the People directorate


Member of family employed within the Youth Service

No whip was declared.

264  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAKThere were no requests received.

265  PEOPLE DIRECTORATE – The Chairman welcomed the council’s Director of People and Cabinet Member for People to the meeting, namely Denise Hyde and Councillor Waltham respectively.  The Director and Cabinet Member gave an oversight of their service areas, paying particular attention to the future challenges and policy developments in the service.  Following the presentation, the Chairman invited members to question the council’s Director of People and Cabinet Member for People.

Resolved – That the Director of People and Cabinet Member for People be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

266  (3)  YOUTH TRANSFORMATION UPDATE – The Chairman informed the meeting that to assist panel members in their discussion on the youth transformation update, the Director of People, Cabinet Member for People, Principal Manager – Universal Prevention and Principal Officer Regulatory and Support to the meeting, namely Denise Hyde, Councillor Waltham, Lynne Ashcroft and Tracy Eaden respectively.

Members were informed that the government published the final ‘Positive for Youth’ statutory guidance in June 2012.  A North Lincolnshire wide consultation was undertaken in schools across the area to establish the views of young people on what activities they would be interested in, and where best those activities should be delivered.  Based on this, a small grants programme was launched to invite providers to deliver community based activities across localities and sub localities of North Lincolnshire.

Following a tendering process, the range of positive activities had been increased across North Lincolnshire, and was based on what young people initially requested through consultation.

Members were informed that there had been an increase in the number of sessions available per week, including more activities on a Friday and Saturday.

A total of 2,072 sessions had been delivered in 2013/14 which was an increase of 686 (49.5%) from 1,386 held in 2012/13.  This included the increased number of available sessions for disabled young people.

In quarters 3 and 4 there had been a significant increase in the number of young people attending activities compared to the baseline figures from 2012/13.  There had been 31,215 attendances in 2013/14 compared with 22,800 in 2012/13, an increase of 8,415 (36.9%).

Following the presentation, the Chairman facilitated a discussion between panel members and the Director of People, Cabinet Member for People, Principal Manager – Universal Prevention and Principal Officer Regulatory and Support.

Resolved – That the Director of People, Cabinet Member for People, Principal Manager – Universal Prevention and Principal Officer Regulatory and Support be thanked for their attendance, presentation, and for answering members questions.

267  (4)  REVIEW OF CARE HOMES IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Policy and Resources circulated the draft scrutiny brief for the panel’s forthcoming review into care homes in North Lincolnshire, for members consideration.

Resolved – That consideration of the scrutiny brief be deferred to allow the members to meet and discuss the content with the Assistant Director Adult Services

268  ADDED ITEM – No added items were requested.