Full Cabinet – 29 November 2016

PRESENT:-   Councillor Waltham (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair.

Councillors Briggs, Hannigan, Poole, Rose and C Sherwood.

Councillors Allcock, Armiger, Clark, J Davison, England, L Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Kataria, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, O’Sullivan, Wells and Wilson also attended the meeting.

Denise Hyde, Peter Williams, Mike Wedgewood, Mick Gibbs, Karen Pavey, Will Bell, Peter Thorpe, Lesley Potts, Tom Coburn, Edwina Harrison, Moira Wilson and Richard Mell also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


1240   MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of cabinet held on 11 October, 2016, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1241   (25)    OUTSTANDING ACTION FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which contained a schedule of outstanding issues on which cabinet had requested reports to future meetings.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

1242   (26)    LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD (LSCB) – ANNUAL REVIEW REPORT 2015-2016 – The Interim Director of Children’s Services submitted a report presenting the LSCB Annual Report for 2015/2016.  The report stated that the LSCB had a statutory requirement to publish an annual report on the effectiveness of child safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in the local area.

The statutory guidance set out in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ stated that the annual review report should be a rigorous and transparent assessment of the performance and effectiveness of local safeguarding arrangements.  It was a requirement of the annual report that it was submitted to the Head of Paid Service, the Leader of the Council, the Local Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board. Also, the report should be considered by relevant agencies in relation to planning, commissioning and budget setting.

Edwina Harrison, the Independent Chair of the Board attended the meeting, introduced and summarised the annual report. A full copy of the report was circulated for information and was available electronically. Edwina also indicated that the covering report was an accurate summary of the work of the board and gave assurances about that work.

The Interim Director’s report outlined the progress made in respect of the LSCBs statutory functions, included progress against LSCB priority areas, listed headline achievements and set out the LSCB priority themes for 2016/17.

Members commented on the contents of the report and the annual report and thanked everyone involved for their work.

Resolved – (a) That the LSCB Annual Review Report for 2015/2016 be received and considered where relevant in relation to planning, commissioning and budget setting processes, and (b) that Edwina Harrison and all staff involved be thanked for their work.

1243   (27)    LOCAL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD (LSAB) – ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 – The Interim Director of Adult Social Care submitted a report presenting the Local Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2015/2016. The Independent Chair of the Board, Moira Wilson, introduced and summarised the annual report.

The Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) had a statutory requirement to publish an annual report which offered assurance that local safeguarding arrangements and partners worked together to help and protect adults with care and support needs in its area.  It was a requirement of the annual report that it was submitted to the Head of Paid Service, Leader of the Council, the Local Police and Crime Commissioner, Healthwatch and the Chairman of the Local Health and Wellbeing Board.  The guidance supporting the Care Act 2014 stated that the LSAB must publish an annual report detailing what it had done during the year to achieve its main objectives and its strategic plan, as well as detailing the findings of any Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs).

The Interim Director’s report outlined the progress made in respect of the LSCBs statutory functions and priorities for 2015/16, included progress against LSCB priority areas and listed headline achievements.

Members commented on the contents of the report and the annual report and thanked everyone involved for their work.

Resolved – (a)That the LSAB Annual Report for 2015/2016 be received and considered where relevant in the council’s governance processes, and (b) that Moira Wilson and all staff involved be thanked for their work.

1244   (28)    ADULT SOCIAL CARE, END OF YEAR PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES -The Interim Director of Adult Social Care submitted a report informing cabinet of the Adult Services performance outcomes for 2015/16 published through the national Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF). This enabled North Lincolnshire to compare local performance with other councils with social services responsibilities in England.

The report explained that North Lincolnshire Council aimed to enable adults with care and support needs to be as independent as they could be, to ensure they are safe andfeel safe, that they enjoyed good health and emotional well-being and recognised and achieved their potential. The council placed a high priority on enabling carers to continue to care and to also enjoy these outcomes.

The Interim Director stated that there were 22 indicators that North Lincolnshire had been measured against in 2015/16.  Performance against last year (2014/15) was very positive.The service had improved overall performance or remained consistent in17 out of these 22 measures which equated to 77%.  In comparison the England average was just 50% of the indicators improved. Most importantly, through the national survey people in North Lincolnshire said that information to help and support them was easy to find, that they felt safe and were safe as a result of the services they received and overall how satisfied they are with their services. On all of these questions the council exceeds the England, regional and comparator averages.  The outturn for ‘People who use Services Feeling Safe’ placed North Lincolnshire Council 4th in the country for this indicator, and the outturn for ‘People Feeling Safe as a Result of Services’ at 89% which was 9% better than last year’s outturn. Also, both of the council regulated adult services had ‘Good’ ratings from the Care Quality Commission inspections (CQC), and had been noted in the publication of the CQC ‘state of care’ report for delivering good integrated outcomes.

The Interim Director’s report summarised other key indicators showing that North Lincolnshire Council was performing very well. These were set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

Resolved – That the excellent progress that continues to be made in Adult Services be noted.

1245   (29)    FESTIVAL OF SKILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2016 – The Director of Places submitted a report which provided a review of the month long ‘Festival of Skills’ held during October 2016, considered key achievements and potential areas for improvement with lessons learnt, and suggested how the Festival of Skills and Opportunities moved forward and strengthened in 2017.

The Director in his report explained that the now established festival provided twenty events, which were successfully delivered in the community working in partnership with John Leggott College, North Lindsey College, Job Centre Plus, Army Barracks and local business. The twenty events were highlighted in the report, together with the vision and objectives for the festival.

The report stated that over 4,000 people had attended the events with a broad age range. These included families attending family interactive days, soon to be school leavers, looking at further education or apprenticeships, job seekers and veterans looking for employment, people looking to re-train/up skill, and people with disabilities embracing work or training opportunities. Participant feedback was also excellent, and following an analysis with partners the festival was viewed as extremely successful, fulfilling the outlined vision and objectives.

The Director’s report also considered options for Festival of Skills and Opportunities in October 2017 which might include a focus on new and emerging sectors.

The Cabinet at the meeting viewed a DVD presenting highlights of the Festival of Skills and Opportunities 2016.

Resolved – (a) That the success of the Festival of Skills and Opportunities in 2016 be noted, and all partners be thanked for their involvement; (b) that plans to deliver the Festival of Skills and Opportunities 2017 be approved, building on lessons learnt and also plan events to deliver for new and emerging needs; (c) that regular update reports on progress with planning for the Festival of Skills and Opportunities in 2017 be received by the Cabinet.

1246   (30)    AXHOLME NORTH SPORTS CENTRE – The Director of Places submitted a report on progress on the project to build North Axholme Sports Centre which had reached construction stage with a target to complete the build in January 2018.

The Director explained that the council had now appointed a contractor (Harry Fairclough Construction) to build a new £5.6m sports centre in Crowle on the Axholme Academy site, located on Wharf Road, Crowle. The Council was working in partnership with the Axholme Academy to deliver this key development that would prove a significant community asset for the Axholme North area.

Planning consent was secured for the development in February 2016 and legal permissions required to progress the project were finalised in September 2016. The Sports Centre would have a 25 metre swimming pool, a fitness gymnasium suite, dance studio, tennis courts and a floodlit artificial grass sports pitch. Axholme Academy’s existing sports hall and changing rooms would also be refurbished. The facilities would open to the community on a daily basis. Associated financial implications were also set out in the report.

Resolved – That the start of the construction of Axholme North Sports Centre in Crowle be noted and welcomed.