Extraordinary Meeting of the Council – 22 November 2011


THE MAYOR – Councillor Keith Vickers

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armitage, Bainbridge, Barker, Barkworth, Briggs, Mrs Bromby, Bunyan, Carlile, Clark, Collinson, Davison, Eckhardt, Ellerby, England, Evison, L Foster, T Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Jawaid, Kirk, Marper, Ogg, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Robinson, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, Swift, P Vickers, Waltham, Wardle, Wells, Whiteley and Wilson.

The council met at Pittwood House, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

2072  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – Councillor P Carlile declared a personal interest in relation to the Community Meals Service.

2073  NOTICE OF MOTION – COMMUNITY MEALS SERVICE – Moved by Councillor Carlile and seconded by Councillor Barker –

“This council commits to supporting North Lincolnshire staff and service users of the meals on wheels service and rejects the concept of total externalisation of the present system.”

Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Mrs Redfern as an amendment –

“This council commits to providing and enabling excellent quality care for all residents throughout North Lincolnshire

We seek to –

  • Improve greatly the Meals on Wheels Service, by providing fresh food to all users.
  • Keep open and invest in the Lilacs to support elderly residents.
  • Ensure that we work in partnership with all providers of care to all those with wide ranging needs and reward only those who provide excellent care for residents.

This council formally sets as a priority to look after all those residents that need care and also acknowledge the hard work of carers and commit to supporting their invaluable contribution, ensuring maximum choice for personalisation.”

Amendment Carried
Substantive Motion Carried