Annual Meeting of the Council – 21 May 2015


THE MAYOR – Councillor Trevor Foster

Councillors Ali, Allcock, Armiger, Armitage, Bainbridge, J Briggs, Carlile, Clark, Collinson, A Davison, J Davison, Ellerby, England, Evison, L Foster, Glover, Godfrey, Gosling, Grant, Hannigan, Kataria, Longcake, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Oldfield, O’Sullivan, Perry, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood,  N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers,  Waltham, Wells, and Wilson.

The council met at The Civic Centre, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe.

2358   MAYOR’S REMARKS – The Mayor welcomed fellow councillors, officers and members of the public to the meeting.  He outlined some of the highlights of his year of office and said that it had been a great honour and privilege to represent North Lincolnshire.  He reported that £22,232 had been raised for his charities and he presented cheques to Lindsey Lodge Hospice and Macmillan Cancer Support.

2359   ELECTION OF MAYOR – Following the opening remarks made by Councillor Foster the council proceeded to elect a Mayor.

Moved by Councillor Marper and seconded by Councillor Ogg –

That Councillor Helen Rowson be elected Mayor of North Lincolnshire Council for the ensuing year until her successor becomes entitled to act as Mayor.

Motion Carried

Councillor Rowson then made a declaration of acceptance of office in accordance with Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.

At this point Councillor Rowson took the chair.

Councillor Rowson then expressed her thanks to the council for her appointment and spoke of her hopes for her year in office.

2360  VOTE OF THANKS TO RETIRING MAYOR – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor L Foster –

That the council expresses to Councillor Trevor Foster sincere thanks for the most able way in which he has carried out the duties of Mayor of the council during the past year.

Motion Carried

2361  APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR – The council proceeded to the appointment of a Deputy Mayor –

Moved by Councillor Poole and seconded by Councillor England –

That Councillor Trevor Foster be appointed Deputy Mayor of North Lincolnshire Council for the ensuing year.

Motion Carried

Councillor Foster then made a declaration of acceptance of office in accordance with Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.

2362   (1) ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS – The Chief Executive submitted a report on the election of councillors on 7 May, 2015.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

2363   MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL 2015/2016

Moved by Councillor Redfern and seconded by Councillor Waltham –

That meetings of the council be held at the time indicated on the following dates –

Monday 15 June 2015 – 5.00 p.m.

Tuesday 10 November, 2015 – 2.00 p.m.

Tuesday 23 February 2016 – 4.00 p.m.

Tuesday 10 May 2016 – 10.30 a.m. (Annual Meeting)

2364   (2) POLITICAL COMPOSITION AND BALANCE OF THE COUNCIL – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report on the political composition and balance of the council.

Resolved – (a) That the establishment of political groups and the entitlement of the number of members to committees/panels be noted, and (b) that the allocation of seats in the establishment of committees/panels be as detailed in Appendix A to the report

2365   NOTIFICATION OF GROUP LEADERS AND SECRETARIES – The Chief Executive reported the following notifications in relation to the appointment of Group Leaders, Specified Representatives (Deputy Leader) and Secretaries.

Conservative Councillor Mrs Liz Redfern Councillor Rob Waltham Councillor John England
Labour Councillor Len Foster Councillor Andrea Davison Councillor John Collinson

Resolved – That the report be noted.


Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Briggs –

That Councillor Mrs Liz Redfern be elected Leader of the Council for a four year term.

Motion Carried


(a)         That Cabinet Members and Chairmen and Vice-Chairs of Committees/Panels be appointed as follows –

Cabinet Member/


Portfolio/Committee/Panel Vice-Chairman
Planning Committee Councillor Ron Allcock
Councillor John Briggs Assets, Culture & Housing Cabinet Member
Councillor Peter Clark Audit Committee
Standards Committee Councillor John England
Councillor Jon Evison Places Scrutiny Panel Councillor Tony Gosling
Audit Committee Councillor Trevor Foster
Councillor Richard Hannigan Policy & Resources Cabinet Member
Councillor Elaine Marper People Scrutiny Panel Councillor John Collinson
Councillor Holly Mumby- Croft Health Scrutiny Panel Councillor Pauline Carlile
Councillor Neil Poole Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member
Standards Committee
Councillor Liz Redfern Leader, Regeneration & Devolution Cabinet Member
Councillor Julie Reed Adult Services Cabinet Member
Councillor David Robinson Corporate Scrutiny Panel Councillor Sandra Bainbridge
Councillor David Rose Children’s Services Cabinet Member
Councillor Carl Sherwood Leisure & Customer Services Cabinet Member
Councillor Nigel Sherwood Planning Committee
Councillor Keith Vickers Licensing Committee
Licensing Committee Councillor Paul Vickers
Councillor Rob Waltham Health & Strategic Projects Cabinet Member

Motion Carried

2368   (3)     LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND HOUSING ACT 1989 – POLITICAL BALANCE – Having regard to the report of the Director of Policy and Resources entitled “Local Government and Housing Act 1989 – Political Composition and Balance of the council the representation of the different political groups on each committee/panel was reviewed.

Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Poole –

That committees/panels and key outside bodies be appointed until the date of the annual meeting of the council in 2016 or such earlier date as may be determined from time to time by the council, and the number of members and appointments be as shown –

Committees/ Panels


Number of Members Conservative  Members    Labour Members
Planning Committee 10 6 4
Licensing Committee 15 9 6
People Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Places Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Corporate Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
Health Scrutiny Panel 5 3 2
(plus 2 Church Representatives – voting)           )   In relation to education

(plus 2 Parent Governors – voting) )  issues


Audit Committee 7 4 3
Appeals Committee Pool 12 8 4
Standards Committee 7 4 3
(plus one co-opted non-voting member)

(plus two independent persons – non-voting)

Appointment and

Employment Committee

5 3 2
Humberside Police and Crime Panel To be appointed in line with the Council’s political balance/proportionality arrangements
Humberside Combined Fire Authority 4 3 1
Humber Bridge Board 1 1
North Lincolnshire Homes Board 1 1
Parent Company – Group Structure (North Lincolnshire


1 1
Ongo Communities Board 1 1
Humberside Airport


1 1
North Lincolnshire

Adoption Panel

2 2

That the membership of committees/panels be as follows –


Conservative (6) Labour (4)
Councillors: Councillors:
Allcock (vc) Bainbridge
England Carlile
Glover Collinson
Longcake Kataria
N Sherwood (c)


Conservative (9) Labour (6)
Councillors: Councillors:
Allcock Ali
Clark Armitage
Glover Ellerby
Mumby-Croft Grant
Rowson Perry
K Vickers (c) Wilson
P Vickers (vc)


Conservative (4) Labour (3)
Councillors: Councillors:
England (vc) Collinson
T Foster Davison
Poole (c) O’Sullivan

Co-opted (Non Voting) Members

Mr W Harvie

Independent Persons – (Non-Voting)

Mr J Goolden

Mr R Johnson


Membership of appeals committees to deal with individual cases to be appointed as required from eligible members as set out below –

Conservative (8) Labour (4)
Councillors: Councillors:
Allcock Davison
Clark Oldfield
England O’Sullivan
Glover Wilson


Conservative (4) Labour (3)
Councillors: Councillors:
Clark (c) Godfrey
T Foster (vc) Gosling
Glover Grant
K Vickers


Conservative (3) Labour (2)
Councillors: Councillors:
Armiger Armitage
Glover Collinson (vc)
Marper (c)
Church Representatives Parent Governor Representatives
Mr W Egan Mrs D Senior
Mr P Thompson Mrs P Whittaker

Note:The Church representatives and the Parent Governor representatives are entitled to attend meetings dealing with education issues.  Parent governor representatives will be entitled to substitute for one another as and when required.


Conservative (3) Labour (2)
Councillors: Councillors:
Evison (c) Gosling (vc)
T Foster Kataria


Conservative (3) Labour (2)
Councillors: Councillors:
Davison Bainbridge (vc)
Robinson (c) Kirk
P Vickers


Conservative (3) Labour (2)
Councillors: Councillors:
Mumby- Croft (c) Carlile (vc)
Ogg Oldfield


Conservative (1)

Motion Carried

2369   APPOINTMENT OF LEAD MEMBERS – Moved by Councillor Mrs Redfern and seconded by Councillor Waltham –

That lead members be appointed as follows:-

Councillor Ron Allcock Flooding and Drainage
Councillor Margaret Armiger Neighbourhoods and Environment
Councillor Peter Clark Children’s Services
Councillor John Davison Inward Investment
Councillor John England Two Wheel Transport/Cycleways
Councillor Ivan Glover Culture
Councillor Derek Longcake Older People and Dementia
Councillor Ralph Ogg Local Highways Infrastructure
Councillor David Robinson Leisure and Sport
Councillor Paul Vickers Tourism
Councillor David Wells Public Transport

Motion Carried

2370   (4)     CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNANCE ISSUES – Members had before them a report by the Director of Policy and Resources outlining proposed amendments to the Constitution to facilitate changes to the council’s working arrangements.

The amendments necessary to facilitate these changes were set out in the report and the accompanying appendices.

Moved by Councillor Poole and seconded by Councillor Mrs Hannigan –

That the recommendations detailed in the report and appendices be approved and adopted and the Constitution be amended and where appropriate re-numbered accordingly, subject to the addition of the following words in Appendix B, Part D Rule 6, 4.7 “all virements approved will continue to be reported to the Cabinet Member Policy and Resources”.

Motion Carried

2371   (5)     PROPOSED CHANGES TO CONTRACT PROCEDURE RULES (CPRs) – Members had before them a report by the Director of Policy and Resources setting out proposed changes to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs).

Moved by Councillor Hannigan and seconded by Councillor Poole –

That the proposed changes to CPRs be approved.

Motion Carried

2372   (6)     MEMBERS’ ALLOWANCES – Members had before them a report of the Director of Policy and Resources with the attached report of the Elected Members’ Remuneration Panel for 2015/2016.  The council was asked to consider the contents of the report with a view to approving a revised scheme of members’ allowances for 2015/2016.

Each year the council was required to make an annual scheme for members’ allowances based on advice from the Elected Members Independent Remuneration Panel.  This was the fifteenth year that the panel had considered members’ allowances.    The detailed report of the panel was attached as an appendix to the Director’s report and the report itself contained a number of recommendations.

Moved by Councillor Redfern and seconded by Councillor Poole –

(a)      That the Panel be thanked for its report; (b) that, taking into account the panel’s comments in paragraph 1.7 of the report that the maximum amount of mileage claimable lacks an element of flexibility, particularly in relation to out of area travel, the members allowance scheme be amended so that in future any mileage incurred by members in the course of their duties, including meetings where members are representing North Lincolnshire Council’s interests, which involves travelling outside the boundary of North Lincolnshire should not count against the maximum amount of mileage claimable, and (c) that subject to (b) above the current members’ allowance scheme attached as an appendix to the report be retained with the figures shown for 4 years – 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.

At the request of members and in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.23(d) the names of members voting for, against and abstaining from the motion are as follows –

FOR:   Councillors Allcock, Armiger, Briggs, Clark, J Davison,  Evison, T Foster, Glover, Hannigan, Longcake, Marper, Mumby-Croft, Ogg, Poole, Mrs Redfern, Reed, Robinson, Rose, Rowson, C Sherwood, N Sherwood, K Vickers, P Vickers, Waltham  and Wells.

AGAINST:    Councillors Armitage, Carlile, Collinson, Ellerby, Godfrey, Gosling, Kataria, Oldfield, Perry and Wilson.

ABSTAINING:        Councillors Ali, Bainbridge, A Davison, L Foster, Grant,   O’Sullivan.

Motion Carried

2373   TIMETABLE OF MEETINGS 2015/2016 – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a proposed timetable of meetings for 2015/2016.

Moved by Councillor Redfern and seconded by Councillor Poole –

That the timetable of meetings for 2015/2016 be approved and adopted.

Motion Carried