Leisure, Arts and Culture Cabinet Member – Minutes – 25 September 2008

38 (10) LEISURE GRANT AID SEPTEMBER 2008 – The Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a report giving details of the different leisure grant aid schemes in existence, and seeking approval of applications for financial assistance.

Resolved – That the applications be dealt with as follows:

Jacob Hawkins, Bryn Portas and Gareth Portas Selected to represent Great Britain at the Ozawa Cup (Martial Arts) in Las Vegas, USA in April 2009 Refused
Connor Hambleton Selected to represent Great Britain in Kart Racing at the World Finals in Italy £250
Winterton Town Council Provision of multi sports court and teen shelter in Marmion Drive Play Area. £5,000
Wroot Parish Council To remove an existing basketball pitch and build a replacement multi-use games area including floodlights £30,000
Association of Friends of the Scunthorpe Co-operative Junior Choir To enable members of the main choir to attend the finals of Choir of the Year in Liverpool in November 2008 £1,000

The decision on the following item was taken by the Leader of the Council as the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Arts and Culture had declared a Personal and Prejudicial interest.

(11) MUSIC4U PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT – The Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a report seeking approval for a partnership agreement with Music4U.

Music4U was one of 22 Youth Music Action Zones operating across the country. Music4U had five core objectives: developing music making with early years; encouraging young people to continue to make music during the transition from primary to secondary education; bringing music opportunities to young people at risk; to provide CPD opportunities for local musicians; and, singing.

Music4U was set up in the Humber Region in September 2001 and since then more than 22,000 young people up to the age of 18 have taken part in wide range of music related activities. Past projects had included music sessions working with deaf and hearing impaired children. Various workshops had been delivered in partnership with youth services.

North Lincolnshire Council had previously had two, three-year partnership agreements with Music4U. The first for 2001 – 2003, and then later in 2004/2007.

The partnership agreement was for two years running from 2008 to 2010.