Highways and Planning Cabinet Member – Minutes – 4 September 2009

The following item contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

63 (7) PROPOSED INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE CENTRE, WEST STREET, SCUNTHORPE – The Service Directors Asset Management and Culture, and Highways and Planning submitted an urgent report seeking approval for the release of part of the Allanby Street Car Park for an integrated health and social care centre (IHSCC).

The PCT were seeking to develop IHSCC in the Crosby area. This would comprise six doctors’ surgeries, a ‘Darsey’ Centre (a GP surgery allowing instant access), a range of other health service provision as well as the northern locality base for Adult Services to work jointly with the PCT.

The PCT had identified part of the Allanby Street car park as the site for the project. There was a strict timetable for the finance, and this was the only site that was potentially available for the project.

This issue was urgent because the PCT needed to have a decision on the release of the site so that costly design work could proceed.

Council Officers had been working closely with the PCT to come up with a design which minimised the impact on the car park but still allowed good design and was within the available budget.

Resolved – (a) That approval be given for the land required for the PCT to be declared surplus to service requirements (subject to the project going ahead), (b) that terms for the disposal and lease-back are reported to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, and (c) that officers from Highways and Planning, Finance and Asset Management and Culture agree an adjustment to the Highways and Planning budget to reflect the loss of car parking income.

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