Neighbourhood, Environment and Communities Cabinet Member – minutes – 5 April 2011

The following item contains exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

118 (29) PROCUREMENT OF INTERIM LANDFILL WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICE – The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submitted a report seeking urgent approval for the award of an interim landfill service to dispose of the council’s municipal waste.

The item was urgent as the council wished to realise the significant cost savings by undertaking a competitive procurement exercise as soon possible, given spending pressures on service budgets.

The council was currently part way through the procurement of a waste treatment and disposal contract for its residual waste (referred to as Lot 1). As the process for concluding the procurement of Lot 1 was taking longer than expected, due to the complexity of some technical issues, an extension to the current contract had been negotiated. The rate proposed by the incumbent contractor did not appear to be reflective of current market rates; therefore the council had undertaken a competitive procurement exercise. This had now been completed and the highest scoring submission offered significant savings on current contract rates.

The timetable agreed for the procurement provided the minimum of time for the refuse collection service to change to the new service arrangements. An urgent decision would allow new procedures to be fully implemented to achieve the earliest practical operational start, allowing the council to realise the significant cost savings as soon as possible.

Resolved – (a) That the result of the evaluation of the tenders for an interim landfill contract for the disposal of its municipal residual waste be approved, and (b) that the contract be awarded to Biffa Waste Services Limited.

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.

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