Sport, Leisure and Culture Cabinet Member – Minutes – 25 May 2010

83 (1) THIS IS ART BRANDING – The Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a report seeking agreement for a brand for arts events to try to improve performance against National Indicator 11 (NI 11) – Engagement in the Arts.

The area’s score for NI 11, the percentage of the population who engage in the arts three times a year was below the national and regional averages. The score was calculated from a telephone survey undertaken of 500 residents in North Lincolnshire.

One possible reason contributing to the low score, was a lack of awareness about what counted as the arts for the purpose of the survey.Other local authorities and the Arts Council England had also identified this as an issue.

Other authorities across the country had put in place strategies to try to improve their score for NI11. Lincolnshire County Council had developed the’This is Art’ brand to try to overcome the perception issue.

It was suggested that the ‘This is Art’ brand was also adopted across North Lincolnshire to promote what counted as the arts for the survey and increase participation in the arts.

Resolved – That the ‘This is Art’ brand be approved for use across North Lincolnshire.

84 (2) HIRE CHARGES FOR PLOWRIGHT STAR CAFÉ BAR – The Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a report for consideration of the charging policy for the Plowright Star Café Bar.

The refurbishment work on the Plowright Star Café Bar was now complete and a pricing policy was needed to cover the variety of potential uses. The main potential uses for the Plowright Star Café Bar in addition to the usual lunchtime catering and performance catering and bar service were:

  • Private functions and hires
  • Meetings (internal and external)
  • Performances
  • Workshops.

The aim of the policy was to make the most of the income generating potential of the new facility while ensuring community and voluntary groups could afford to use it. This meant that any hire would at least have to cover any additional staffing costs in addition for allowing for a reasonable return on the council’s investment.

Benchmarking with other similar venues and council meeting rooms had informed the proposed charging policy appended to the report.

Resolved – That the charging policy for the Plowright Star Café Bar set out in the report and appendix be approved.