Sport, Leisure & Culture, Highways, Planning & Energy and Corporate Services Cabinet Members – Minutes – 19 August 2010
1 (1) SITES AND MONUMENTS RECORD SERVICE – FUTURE MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS – The Service Directors Asset Management and Culture and Highways and Planning submitted a joint report to consider the future management arrangements for the Sites and Monuments Record Service (SMR) in light of recent national changes.
The key points outlined within the report were as follows.
- The North Lincolnshire SMR was established in 1997 located at, and line managed by the Museum Service currently based in Asset Management and Culture, due to the archaeological focus of both services.
- Recent changes nationally meant that the SMR would need to extend its remit to become an Historic Environment Records service (HER), to include the work undertaken by aspects of the Environment Team in relation to the built environment and landscape.
- A unified HER could best be developed within a single line management arrangement.
It was suggested that this function would now sit best within the Environment Team based within the Highways and Planning Service. It was considered that a unified service offered the most effective way to develop an HER in line with recent national policy changes. A unified service would result in a better-protected and conserved Historic Environment through the amalgamation of information and resources, and that the creation of a unified HER would also improve provision of information to the public to help them engage in the planning process, and the historic environment of their area.
Resolved – (a) That the proposed transfer of the Sites and Monuments Record Service (SMR) to the Environment Team within Highways and Planning be approved, and (b) that the virement of the budget from the Museums Service to the Environment Team be approved.