Adult and Children’s Services Cabinet Member – minutes – 21 September 2011

21 (21) MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE REVIEW – The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of a review of the social care aspect of the mental health services jointly commissioned with NHS North Lincolnshire with the Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humberside Mental Health Trust.

The provider for mental health services in North Lincolnshire was Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humberside Mental Health Trust (RDASH).  The current provider had been jointly commissioned, with NHS North Lincolnshire who acted as lead commissioner.

The current mental health service provider operated an integrated service model with the health staff, employed by RDASH, and social care staff, employed by the council and seconded to RDASH under a formal agreement.

The council initiated a review of the service to ensure that the provider was responding to and able to deliver personal social services under the personalisation policy.

Full details of how the review was carried out and its recommendations were contained in the report.

Resolved – (a) That the overall outcomes of the review be noted, (b) that the implementation of the recommended option 1, as set out in the report, be supported, and (c) that a further report be submitted in 12 months time.

22 (22) DEVELOPMENT OF AN OUT OF HOURS SERVICE – The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report seeking approval for the development of an overnight service to support people with care needs to stay at home.

The council currently provided an Out of Hours evening and weekend service. The service provided a telephone response predominantly to the hospital. The Health Service also provided an overnight response. Firstly through the Accident and Emergency department, where assessment and further treatment or admission of the patient was arranged. Secondly, in the community through the overnight Night Nurse and Health Care Assistant, whereby patients were seen in their own home during the night.

All three elements of health and social care provision operated independently with little or no partnership working. Each service took its own referrals and managed its own workload, with very little reference to any other provider during the night.

It was proposed that a joint Out of Hours service be developed, which would provide face to face contact with referrers and individuals/patients, and be based at the hospital for a fully integrated overnight service.

Resolved – That the development of an overnight Out of Hours service be approved.

23 (23) CHILDREN’S CENTRE OFSTED INSPECTION OUTCOME – The Director of Children and Young People’s Service submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the Ofsted inspection of West Street Children’s Centre, undertaken on 27 and 28 July 2011.

All Children’s Centres were subject to an Ofsted inspection on a five yearly cycle. This was the first inspection for West Street Children’s Centre. The inspections were carried out under Part 3A of the Childcare Act 2006, as inserted by section 199 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009.

Inspectors gathered evidence from a variety of sources, including interviews with staff partners and parents, observations of sessions at the Children’s Centre and the examination of written information.

The inspection reports gave a judgement on the overall effectiveness of the provision and the capacity for sustained improvement.

The report gave full details of the outcomes of the inspection.

Resolved – (a) That the outcomes of the Ofsted inspection be noted, and (b) that improvements in the West Street Children’s Centre continue to be supported. 

24 (24) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE FOSTER CARER’S CHARTER – The Director of Children and Young People’s Service submitted a report seeking approval and commitment to the North Lincolnshire Foster Carer’s Charter, and seeking support regarding the proposed launch of the charter.

The council had a well established and effective Fostering Service with a stable population of carers who provided a high quality service to Children in Care. Over the last two years, the service had prioritised recruitment, training and support to carers. This was now showing real success with a substantial increase in carers, low numbers of placement moves and carers who valued the support they received, resulting in very high retention rates.

The Government launched the Foster Carers’ Charter in March 2011. It was jointly produced with fostering organisations, charities and children. Recognising the invaluable work of foster carers, it set out clear principles, based on the core belief that children come first, on how foster carers should be treated, the roles of carers and the pivotal role played by them in helping children to achieve their full potential.

The national fostering organisation ‘Foster Network’ subsequently produced guidance: ‘The Foster Carers’ Charter: putting it into practice’ as a tool to enable councils to put the Governments charter into practice and to develop their own local charters.

The council had embraced the principles of the charter and, using the Fostering Network guidance, undertaken consultation with children, young people and foster carers to develop the ‘North Lincolnshire Foster Carers’ Charter’.

Resolved – (a) That the North Lincolnshire Foster Carers’ Charter be approved, and (b) that the launch of the charter on the Fostering Fun Day be supported.

25 (25) PROPOSALS FOR TEMPORARY MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING ARRANGEMENTS FOR LOCALITIES AND PARTNERSHIPS SERVICE – The Director of Children and Young People’s Service submitted a report seeking approval for external recruitment to four posts, and for the creation of four temporary posts within the Localities and Partnerships Service.

The Localities and Partnerships Service had been undergoing transformational change, bringing together a range of services to support children and families in the local area. Family support would be delivered through preventative and intensive teams, organised into three geographical areas.

Approval was sought to recruit to four existing posts which remained unfilled after a service review, as well as to create four new, temporary posts until March 2012. Full details of the positions were set out in the report.

Resolved – (a) That the recruitment of four Family Support Workers, on a fixed term basis, be approved, (b) that the creation of three Community Development Workers, on a temporary basis until 31 March 2012, be approved, and (c) that the creation of an Early Years Development Officer, on a temporary basis until 31 March 2012, be approved.

23 (23) GRANTS FOR VOLUNTARY YOUTH GROUPS – The Director of Children and Young People’s Service submitted a report seeking approval of grants to voluntary youth groups.

The Youth Service budget had an allocation to support voluntary youth groups in the delivery of youth work by helping to meet their operational costs.

A Cabinet Member approved process (minute 150 refers) was in place for the allocation of funds to be undertaken in partnership with a Voluntary Sector Funding Panel.  The panel had considered funding applications at their meeting on 13 July 2011.

Details of the applications to be considered were appended to the report.

Resolved – That the grants detailed at Appendix 2 to the report be approved.