Adult & Children’s Services Cabinet Member – Minutes – 10 May 2012


84        (84) UPDATE ON PUBLIC CONSULTATION – LET’S TALK The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member on the progress of the public engagement – Let’s Talk.

The council were looking at the way that Adult Social Services were delivered to the public.  To do this effectively, the council needed an understanding from the public about what was important to them, to support them at times of crisis and vulnerability.

In March 2012, Adult Social Services launched the ‘Let’s Talk’ engagement project. The aim of the project was to hold a conversation with the people of North Lincolnshire, to understand what support people currently valued, what things they would like to improve, and how they could best be supported to live their life to the full.

The report gave insight into the initial responses that had been received and what was important to the people of North Lincolnshire.  Further in-depth analysis of the responses would then take place and be reported on at a later date.

Appendix 1 to the report showed the questionnaire that had been distributed through various council premises, as well as doctors’ surgeries.

Resolved – (a)That the preliminary findings of the pre-consultation ‘Let’s Talk’ be considered, and (b) that a further report with a complete analysis and an action plan for implementation of findings be submitted at a later date.

85        (85) SAFEGUARDING ADULTS BOARD – ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 – The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report providing the Cabinet Member with an overview of the function of the Safeguarding Adults Board and seeking endorsement of the publication of the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2010/11.

All councils had a delegated duty to work in partnership to ensure that systems and services protected vulnerable people from abuse.  Vulnerable people were defined by the Department of Health in the “No Secrets” guidance 2000 as “People over the age of 18 who may be eligible for community care services whose independence and well-being would be at risk if they did not receive appropriate health and social care support.”

The council discharged the duty through the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and the work undertaken by the Safeguarding Adults Team.  The SAB was accountable to the People’s Scrutiny Panel.

The report gave details of the remit of the SAB, including information on the level of referrals.

The SAB produced an annual report each year to summarise activity and progress during the year, to enable their activity to be transparent for scrutiny.

Resolved – That the publication of the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2010/11 be endorsed.

86        (86) RESPONSE TO THE PEOPLES SCRUTINY PANEL – HOME SUPPORT IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of the highlights and key recommendations of the People Scrutiny Panel report regarding home support, and seeking endorsement of the actions required to comply with the recommendations of the findings of the scrutiny report.

The People’s Scrutiny Panel undertook a review of the home support provided by Adult Social Services.  The review started in September 2011 and findings were published in January 2012 and presented to the council’s Cabinet in March 2012.

The review considered the national context with reference to the Equality and Human Rights Commission Report (June 2011).  The Safeguarding Adults Report had reviewed an audit of local home support arrangements and concluded that controls were in place to manage the risks highlighted in the national report.

The council currently provided home support to over 800 people, with 80 percent of this care being delivered by external agencies through contacts with the council.

The scrutiny panel review included discussions with service users, providers of care and key personnel within the council involved in the commissioning and monitoring of care provision.

The report gave details of the review, including key recommendations made by the scrutiny panel.

Resolved – That the actions required to comply with the recommendations of the findings of the scrutiny report be endorsed.

87        (87) APPOINTMENT OF AUTHORITY SCHOOL GOVERNORS The Director of Children and Young People’s Services submitted a report seeking approval for the appointment of Authority School Governors.

Resolved – That the following persons be appointed as Authority School Governors, subject to the relevant CRB checks:


Althorpe and Keadby Primary School Mrs G Bush
Berkeley Infant School Ms N Boyd
Brumby Junior School Mrs D Hamlett
Crowle Primary School Mr M Jones
Darley Centre Cllr H Osborne
Epworth Primary School Mr G Baker
Frodingham Infant School Mrs D Hamlett
Priory Lane Infant School Mr N Ashton
St Luke’s Primary School Mr C Reeves
St Luke’s Primary School Mrs P Taylor

88        (88) ECONOMIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND BID PROPOSAL – The Director of Children and Young People’s Service submitted a report informing the Cabinet Member of a potential bid to the Economic Regeneration Development Fund (ERDF) Yorkshire and Humber, and seeking support to progress with the bid.

The ERDF programme had four priorities, the focus for Children and Young People’s Service was priority 3 – “To target resources at these most deprived communities where continued under performance is a threat to the regions economic growth – focussing on tackling social and economic exclusion and improving territorial cohesion, creating enterprise opportunities within disadvantaged neighbourhoods and extending the social community”.

The ERDF programme had been running since 2007, in April 2012 the department for Communities and Local Government published a call for new funding proposals.  The deadline for outline bids was 15 June 2012.

The Children and Young People’s Services Placement Sufficiency Strategy 2011-13 had a strategic priority to “Provide an increased range and choice of provision for care leavers and other post 16 provision” working in partnership with North Lincolnshire Homes (NLH).

Initial meetings had taken place between the council and NLH, both parties had agreed to work in partnership in principle.

The report gave details of initial proposals, along with progress to date with regard to match funding.

Resolved – That the proposal to submit a bid to the Economic Regeneration Development Fund, which would include the identification of land and use of Homes Bonus funding, and would be in partnership with North Lincolnshire Homes, be supported.