Adult & Children’s Services Cabinet Member – Minutes – 14 March 2012

67  (67) FOUNDATION CERTIFICATE IN REHABILITATION AND RE-ABLEMENT – The  Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report seeking to update the Cabinet Member on the Foundation Certificate for support staff developed with York St John University.

The Integrated Learning Project (ILP) was developed to create an effective learning programme to promote the development of support workers in health and social care.  A project team was formed as a partnership between North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust, the council and York St John University.

The project created the Foundation Certificate in Rehabilitation and Re-ablement that was accredited by York St John University and jointly delivered by the council and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust and was aimed at support staff in health and social care.

There was no other programme available locally and other regional councils were expressing an interest and in some cases purchasing places on the programme for their own staff.

The first cohort of students had recently completed the whole programme and would successfully graduate following the York St John exam boards final approval in April 2012.  It was proposed that an event be held for key stakeholders, elected members, York St John University and the candidates from the first programme in order to celebrate the success of the programme and raise the council’s profile in line with the vision of creating a Health and Social Centre of Excellence.

Resolved – (a) That the value of the programme and the work that had been done to develop the course be recognised, and (b) that the proposal a celebration event be held be supported.