Adult & Children’s Services Cabinet Member – Minutes – 9 January 2012

47  (47) TRANSFORMATION OF MINSTER ROAD DAY SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY SURPLUS TO REQUIREMENTS – The Directors of Adult Social Services and Infrastructure Services submitted a joint report seeking approval for in-house learning disability services to re provide day services from Minster Road Community Centre, for Foresight to develop a social enterprise and training site for people with a learning disability at Minster Road Community Centre and seek approval to declare Minster Road Day Centre surplus to the requirements of Adult Social Services. 

The report outlined that learning disability services had been based at Minster Road Community Centre for a number of years with the intention that the site be used as a pathway to employment for people. 

The Cabinet Member was advised that contract work was obtained from local companies which people with learning disability staff support completed, this enabled individuals to learn the appropriate skills to sustain employment in the community. 

It was explained that contract work was diminishing due to the economic climate and this had resulted in the site being developed into an extension to current learning disability day services. 

Adult Social Services were looking to transform its day services and had been working with Foresight since April 2011 to increase the number of people with a learning disability in paid employment.  Foresight was an organisation based in North East Lincolnshire with a history of success in moving people into employment and in setting up social enterprises. 

The preferred option detailed within the report was to decommission Minster Road as a council run learning disability day service and to work with Foresight to establish Minster Road as a social enterprise and training facility for people with a learning disability. 

Resolved – (a) That following analysis of the report the Cabinet Member agrees with developments outlined in option 2, (b) that Minster Road Day Centre be declared surplus to the requirements of Adult Social Services, and (c) that the Director of Infrastructure Services negotiates lease terms with Foresight.