Corporate and Community Service Cabinet Member – Minutes – 4 August 2011

2 (2) REGULATION OF INVESTIGATORY POWERS – The Director Corporate and Community Services submitted a report to inform the Cabinet Member of the council’s usage of Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) between the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011.

RIPA was used by public authorities to secure the lawfulness of surveillance activities. The council had a RIPA Policy which was located on the website and had been deposited in group offices. Officers referred to this Policy when completing and authorising RIPA applications.

In accordance with the council RIPA Policy, the four applications that were authorised detailed why the surveillance was necessary and proportionate, and considered the risk of collateral intrusion.The three authorisations had since been cancelled in accordance with the council RIPA policy.

The most recent RIPA Inspection was conducted on 20 January 2011 by the Assistant Surveillance Commissioner, HH Norman Jones QC. Mr Jones produced a Report, which was endorsed by the Rt Hon. Sir Christopher Rose, Chief Surveillance Commissioner.The Report found that the Council had discharged all the recommendations made in previous Inspection Report (dated 2008) and described the Council as “one of the better-performing local authorities”.

Resolved – That the usage of RIPA for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011 be noted.

3 (3) THEFT OF METALS – The Director Corporate and Community Services submitted a report to provide the Cabinet Member with an overview of an emerging crime issue in North Lincolnshire which was having a significant effect on overall crime rates.

The report explained that world economic factors continued to cause an increase in the demand for all types of metal. Prices for scrap metals remained at elevated levels and had made metal an attractive target for thieves. Subsequently thefts of metals had increased by 135 per cent since 2009.The problem profile confirmed the issue as a major concern for North Lincolnshire.

It was therefore important that the council responded to this issue by working in partnership with others and by making it a priority across the whole council.The issue had been discussed at the Humberside Police Tactical Tasking Group and had been adopted as a priority issue. Humberside Police agreed to the need to work in partnership with other agencies to tackle this problem.

Resolved – (a) That a project group be convened by Safer Neighbourhoods which would lead on the coordination of the subsequent action plan, (b) that a project management approach be used in line with the council’s project management framework to ensure the required actions are carried out by relevant service areas, and (c) that regular reports be submitted to the Corporate and Community Services Cabinet Member detailing the outcomes and achievements of the action plan.

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.