Corporate & Community Service Cabinet Member – Minutes – 11 January 2012

12  (12)  REVIEW OF SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS ACTION PROGRAMME – The  Director of Corporate and Community Services submitted a report which outlined the process for reviewing the Safer Neighbourhoods Action Programme, detailed the Terms of Reference for the review and sought approval for the timescales for the review. 

The Safer Neighbourhoods Action Programme (SNAP) for the resolution of Crime and Disorder issues in North Lincolnshire, based on working at each democratic level of North Lincolnshire i.e. 17-5-1, was launched in 2006.  A review had been planned to start in November 2011, reporting back to partners of the Safer Neighbourhoods Board and the North Lincolnshire Council Cabinet by February 2012.  

It was confirmed that a small project group had been established and included staff from Safer Neighbourhoods, Democratic and Legal Services and the Cabinet Member Corporate and Community Services.  A report had been written for the Safer Neighbourhoods Board and would be presented to them for consideration to ensure that all partners were aware of and could contribute to the review as required. 

Resolved – (a) That a project group be convened by the Assistant Director (Community Safety) to lead on the coordination of the review and subsequent action plan as required, (b) that the Terms of Reference for the review as detailed in the scoping document appended to the report be approved, and (c) that a project management approach be used in line with the Council’s project management framework to ensure the required actions are carried out by relevant service areas. 

13  (13)  GRADUATE OPPORTUNITIES – The  Director of Corporate and Community Services submitted a report seeking approval to continue participation in the National Graduate Development Programme [NGDP] in 2012, and to consider piloting an in-house graduate summer placement scheme. 

It was explained that the National Graduate Development Programme [NGDP] was a national programme run by Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID) which was part of the Local Government Group. The aim of the programme was to recruit and develop high calibre graduates who had the potential to become local authority senior managers within 10 – 15 years. 

North Lincolnshire Council joined the scheme in 2006 and had recruited five graduates in total.  However, a decision was taken to opt out of the scheme in 2011 due to the organisational restructure taking place at the time.  Approval was being sought to continue with the scheme in 2012 and explore other opportunities for providing additional graduate placements. It was considered that participating in the scheme enhanced the council’s management capacity, as National Management Trainees (NMT’s) could provide dedicated resource to manage significant projects that might otherwise not be completed. 

Resolved – (a) That participation  in the National Graduate Development Programme in 2012 be approved, and (b)  that the request to pilot a graduate summer placement scheme be approved.

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.