Deputy Leader – Asset and Estate Management, Sport, Leisure and Culture Cabinet Member – minutes – 21 December 2011
32 (32) CONTINUING THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN LEISURE SERVICES IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted an urgent report to consider the steps required towards securing the ongoing provision of modern and improved leisure services in North Lincolnshire, and seeking approval for a process of consultation towards achieving this.
The council contributed significantly towards making North Lincolnshire an excellent place to live, work and play. In recent years, the council had worked hard to provide modern leisure services. This work had centred on a vision for the service of “More People – Quality Services – Better Value”.
Good progress had been achieved in taking the modern leisure services agenda forward. In particular, significant investment in leisure facilities had helped transform what was on offer for customers. New facilities such as The Pods, Baysgarth Leisure Centre and the Baths Hall had replaced previously poor quality provision.
Despite the achievements, there remained further opportunities to move leisure services forward. The report gave details of areas for consideration.
It was proposed that existing and potential customers be engaged with to give them the chance to help shape a modern service that was fit for the future and met their needs and aspirations.
An urgent decision was required in order to facilitate timescales proposed for the period of public consultation.
Resolved – That a process of consultation, as set out in the report, towards securing the ongoing provision of modern leisure services in North Lincolnshire, be approved.