Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 2 May 2012

80   (79)  HIGHWAYS LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN PROGRAMME UPDATE – The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted a report to advise on the progress made in delivering the Local Transport Plan programme.

The Transport capital expenditure was secured through the Local TransportPlan (LTP) process and an LTP submission to the Department for Transport (DfT) was required.  The plan set out transport priorities for the council, which would see the current year as the start of the third generation of these plans and covered a 15-year projection submission.

It was explained that as part of the LTP submission, the plan set out the programme of themes and the expected outcomes that the council aimed to achieve within a three-year Delivery Plan.

The report detailed that there were two funding streams within the LTP award which covered Integrated Transport and Highway Maintenance. The current years allocations were:

·                 Integrated Transport £ 993,000

·                 Highway Maintenance £ 4,423,000

The key priorities were identified as the condition of the highway and footway networks.

Resolved – That the progress of the delivery of the programme be noted.

81        (80)  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP SPEED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2012/2013 The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted a report seeking approval of the proposed speed management strategy treatment sites for 2012/13.

The Road Safety Partnership’s speed management strategy was introduced in 2003. Each year it enabled the Partnership to identify the roads in North Lincolnshire, which had the highest priority when ranked by incidence of speed offending and accidents.  There were over four hundred sites in the strategy, which had been assessed over previous years. The priority list changed each year, due to new sites being introduced and speed offending and accident rates changing on established sites.

A proposed list of speed management treatment sites for 2012/13 was attached at Appendix 1 of the report for consideration by the Cabinet Member.

Resolved – That the proposed speed management strategy locations, detailed in Appendix 1 of the report, be approved.

82        (81)  CREATION OF A NEW POST OF FACILITIES CLEANER AT CHURCH SQUARE HOUSE – The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submitted a report seeking approval for the creation of a new post of part time facilities cleaner.  The report identified that the post holder would be managed by the Schools Catering and Building Cleaning division, but would be based at Church Square House, Scunthorpe.

The report outlined that the new post would replace and existing cleaners post.

Resolved – That the creation of the new post of part time facilities cleaner at Church Square House be approved.

83        (82)  THIRD PARTY REUSE AND RECYCLING CREDIT PAYMENTS – The Director of Neighbourhood and Environmental Services submitted a report seeking approval to review the eligibility criteria for payment of reuse and recycling credits to third sector organisations involved in this activity.

The payments scheme was first introduced in 1990 to encourage greater resource recovery by rewarding third parties engaged in recycling activity, and was adopted by the Council in 1996.  The legislative framework and associated guidance governing the payments had been changed and it was considered that a review was necessary.

Payments were discretionary, but HM Government had stated that it expected Waste Collection & Disposal Authorities to consider all applications, including those that delivered economic and social benefits as well as environmental ones.

Revised scheme guidance had been issued by Defra. The Secretary of State considered it reasonable for Waste Disposal Authorities not to make payments to third parties where arrangements already existed for recycling the waste in the area or where the proposed re-use/recycling scheme was not in compliance with the Municipal Waste Management Strategy.

Under the revised arrangements, in order to receive payment, registered organisations must:

·                Provide appropriate evidence that the waste has been reused and/or recycled

·                Comply in all respects with the requirements of the waste Duty of Care

·                Recycle or reuse a minimum of 5 tonnes in a six month period

·                Submit claims no more than 6 months in retrospect

Further details were outlined within the report.

Resolved – (a)  That the proposed revisions to the scheme for the payment of re-use and recycling credits detailed in this report be approved, and (b) that the revised scheme take effect from 1 April 2012.