Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 26 July 2011

9  (9) BELTON FIELDS – HISTORIC LANDSCAPE – The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted a report seeking approval to work in partnership with Belton Town Council to enhance parts of the historic strip field system at Belton Fields and requesting consideration as to whether the council should help to fund the management of the historic strip fields. 

The historic Isle of Axholme strip field farming system was considered to be of national importance.  It was the largest surviving example of this type of farming in the country, with thin unfenced strips of farmed land. This system of farming dated back at least a thousand years. The council had worked with local landowners in trying to keep both the landscape and the historic, organisational, and cultural pattern of land management traditions associated with it.  This was because it is considered a unique asset to North Lincolnshire.  Work had involved studies resulting in a Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) of the Isle of Axholme. 

One of the major surviving examples of this medieval farming system based upon common land holding in large open fields was the Belton Open Field. As part of the above strategy the council worked with Belton Town Council to purchase and actively manage strips of land in the field. Belton Town Council had the vision to retain this historically important asset. 

It was proposed that the Council support the strip system by leasing the land and by developing a wider community project based around local food production. 

Resolved – That the leasing of land at Belton Open Field, as outlined in paragraph 5.1.1 of the report, be approved. 

10  (10)  PUBLIC TRANSPORT – BUS STOP IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME – The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted a report seeking approval of a programme of bus stop improvements. 

The Director explained that the provision of good bus stops and shelters would encourage people to use the bus network. The council had a policy of improving stops and much work had been undertaken between 2000 and 2008. Due to a lack of available funding in 2009 and 2010 there had been fewer improvements.  

For 2011/12, there was £26,400 available for these purposes and it had been proposed that this money be spent on a mixture of repairs and improvements.  Prioritising improvements would enable the Service to target stops with large numbers of users and a high proportion of older passengers. 

Appendix 1 to the report outlined a policy statement that included a simple scoring system for stops and shelters and would help to identify where the council could spend its money most effectively. 

Resolved – That the draft bus stop policy and programme for 2011/12 be approved and adopted.

Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.