Customer Services, Sport & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minutes – 21 August 2012


The original decision of the cabinet member (minute 5 refers) having been called-in and considered by the Places Scrutiny Panel (minute 167 refers) was referred back to the cabinet member to provide clarification on the content of the Director’s report.  The issues had now been clarified and amendments were made to the report and the subsequent decision of the cabinet member is set out below –6     
(6)  GYPSY AND TRAVELLER ACCOMMODATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT – The Director of Places submitted a report advising the Cabinet Member of the response from interested parties to consultation on the assessment of Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs in North Lincolnshire.Councils had a duty under the 2004 Housing Act to identify the accommodation needs of gypsies and travellers as part of their overall strategy for meeting housing needs in North Lincolnshire. A report was considered by Cabinet Members in May 2012 (minute 1 refers) assessing the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers.  Appendix 1 to the report reproduced the assessment and the summary of estimated need. Members agreed that interested parties should be consulted over an eight week period to see if the estimate of need was appropriate.  They were also invited to suggest how and where accommodation need could be met.A questionnaire was developed based on research undertaken by the University of Salford in 2008 to guide the consultation with Gypsies and Travellers.  It was made available on the council website and in local libraries and local links.  Copies were also delivered directly to Gypsy and Traveller families on existing sites and encampments.T he responses to the consultation were set out at Appendix 2 to the report, and were consistent with need detailed in Appendix 1.
Resolved – That the Gypsy and Traveller accommodation needs assessment set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.  
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