Customer Services, Sport & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minute – 21 February 2013

16        (16)  MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE –  The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval for the future operation of the mobile library service, using one vehicle and visiting most places once every three weeks.

It was explained that the council had run a mobile library service with two vehicles since 1999, which served around 850 customers in 62 mainly rural communities.  Most places received a visit every two weeks.

Several issues meant that it was timely to review the mobile library service and in  2011, the Cabinet Member approved the development of proposals for the future delivery of the service.

Two options had been considered to enable the service to run with one vehicle:

·                                  Visit all current locations every three week

·                                  Visit fewer places every two weeks

In July 2012 mobile library users were asked about the options to deliver the service with one vehicle.  280 people responded to the survey and of those, 80% said they would prefer the mobile to visit all current locations every three weeks.  It was considered that the proposed changes to visits all current locations every three weeks would still provide a library service to 62 rural villages and all the current mobile users could continue to access the service.

Resolved – (a)  That the changes to the delivery of the mobile library service based upon the use of one vehicle, visiting places every three weeks, and Burton upon Stather every week be approved, and (b) that service staff draw up final mobile library routes on this basis and implement the changes with effect from Monday, 4 March 2013.