Leader of the Council and Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Members – Minutes – 18 April 2013
In accordance with the Executive Procedure Rules of the council’s Constitution, the Leader of the Council was authorised to take the following decision on behalf of the Highways and Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member in his absence.
1 (1) TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER – A161, BELTON – The Director of Places submitted a report considering an objection received by the council to a proposed Traffic Regulation Order – A161, Belton.
As part of the planning application PA/2012/0735 for a new hot food takeaway in Belton, a traffic regulation order was required to reduce inconsiderate parking.
The proposed restrictions would prevent vehicles parking on the entry and exit arms to the mini roundabout located at the junction where the A161, High Street, King Edward Street and Westgate Road in Belton meet. This would improve visibility for vehicles entering and exiting the mini roundabout in question.
The proposed restrictions were to implement no waiting at any time as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. The council had received only one objection.
Resolved – (a) That the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order, as set out in the report and accompanying appendix, be approved, and (b) that officers write to the objector advising them of the decision, following normal statutory procedure.