People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 19 October 2012

The corresponding reports of the following items (Minutes 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 refer) contain exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

28        (28) ORGANISATIONAL REVIEW – PEOPLE DIRECTORATE – The Director of People submitted a report which outlined the proposal to realign the functions and services within the People Directorate and underpinned the review of management within each division.  The report sought approval to change the titles of the Assistant Directors to better reflect the new operating framework and for the re-alignment of functions and services across the directorate.

In consultation with staff the senior management team had reviewed values, principles, purpose and practice of both the adult and children services and created a new operating framework for the People Directorate. This set a context of a new organisational shape and management structure in each division.  It was considered that this would better support the council in meeting its strategic priorities, the ongoing and new emerging partnership arrangements within North Lincolnshire and more effective service delivery.

Details of the proposed changes were outlined within the report and accompanying appendices.

Resolved – (a)  That the proposed changes detailed in paragraph 3.1 and 3.2 of the report to re-align the functions within the People Directorate to the appropriate Assistant Director and to re-name the job titles of the Assistant Directors be approved, and (b) that the proposed changes to the alignment of functions and job titles be implemented with effect from 1 November 2012.

29        (29)  REALIGNMENT OF THE THIRD TIER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE WITHIN THE LEARNING & IMPROVEMENT DIVISION PEOPLE DIRECTORATE – The Director of People submitted a report to consider the functions, priorities and challenges within the Learning and Improvement Division and to consider changes to the management team in order to meet them effectively.

The aim of this realignment exercise was to establish the senior management of the Learning and Improvement Division and ensure that leadership was well placed to respond to the changing priorities of North Lincolnshire and emerging government policy.

The report outlined phase one of the Learning and Improvement Division organisational review and sought to establish a third tier management team that could support the Senior Leadership Team in meeting the strategic priorities of the council, the ongoing and emerging partnership arrangements within North Lincolnshire and service delivery to improve outcomes.

Resolved – (a) That the proposed changes to the staffing establishment listed in paragraph 8.1 of the report and outlined in Appendix A be approved, and (b) that the new structure be implemented with effect from 1 November 2012.

30        (30)  REVIEW OF THE THIRD AND FOURTH TIER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE WITHIN THE COMMISSIONING AND LOCALITIES DIVISION PEOPLE DIRECTORATE – The Director of People submitted a report to consider the functions, priorities and challenges within the Commissioning and Localities Division and to consider changes to the management team in order to meet them effectively, and to review the Children and Family Support Service to address new statutory requirements, policy requirements and joint inspection regime.

The key points outlined within the report sought approval for the restructure of the third and fourth tier of management, the reassignment of line management responsibilities to deliver the revised structure and proposed a new universal prevention service for children.  It was explained that the report signposted the next review phase for the Commissioning and Localities Division which was proposed to follow on from this review.

The aim of this review was to establish the management of the Commissioning and Localities Division to ensure that leadership was well placed to respond to the changing priorities of North Lincolnshire and emerging government policy.

The report outlined phase one of the Communities and Localities Division organisational review and sought to establish a third tier management team that could support the Senior Leadership Team in meeting the strategic priorities of the council, the ongoing and emerging partnership arrangements within North Lincolnshire and service delivery to improve outcomes.

The review had also incorporated the Children and Family Support Service, and it was proposed that this be restructured into two teams, a Children’s Universal Prevention Service and a Children and Family Support Service which would be transferred to Specialist Services.

Further details of the proposed changes were outlined within the report and its accompanying appendices.

Resolved – (a) That the proposals to delete and create the posts outlined in appendix 3 to the report be approved, (b) that the proposals for the restructure of the Children and Family Support Service shown in Appendix 4b to the report including the deletions and creation of posts outlined in Appendix 5 to the report be approved, and (c) that the new structure be implemented with effect from 1 November 2012.

31        (31) REALIGNMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICE STRUCTURE OF SPECIALIST SERVICES PEOPLE DIRECTORATE –  The Director of People submitted a report to consider the realignment of  the management structure and develop the role of key posts to ensure continue expectations set at both the local and national level in relation to Safeguarding and Children’s Services were met.

The report sought approval to make the changes outlined within the report to ensure the service maintained effective services and delivered on the policy drivers set at a National level, the Child Protection Action Plan, the Adoption Action Plan, the Strategy in relation to Child Exploitation, the newly unannounced Ofsted Inspection framework for child protection, HMI Probation Inspection of Youth Offending Services and best practice guidance.

It was anticipated that the review would provide a structure that maintained North Lincolnshire’s success in the delivery of safeguarding and child protection services and would ensure that the Council maintained its outstanding performance for looked after children services and the success in maintaining low numbers of looked after children.

The aim of the report and realignment of Specialist Services Division was to ensure that the leadership and service provision was well placed to respond to the changing priorities of North Lincolnshire and emerging government policy.

It was explained that the review was designed to ensure that the child’s journey from early identification to statutory intervention was timely and achieved a permanent outcome and independence from services as soon as was possible.

The Integrated Impact Assessment undertaken as part of the review identified that re-shaping the services in such a way provided an opportunity to improve the Services offered to children and their families.

Details of the proposed changes were outlined within the report and its accompanying appendices.

Resolved – (a)  That the proposed structures as outlined in paragraph 3 of the report be approved, and (b) that the new structures be implemented with effect from 1 November 2012.

32        (32)  REVIEW OF MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE WITHIN THE ADULT DIVISION OF PEOPLE DIRECTORATE – The Director of People submitted a report to consider the functions, priorities and challenges within the Adult Division and to consider changes to the management team in order to effectively meet them.

The report sought approval to restructure the third fourth and first line management of the Adult Division and reassign line management responsibilities to deliver the revised structure.

This report outlined the Adult Division organisational review and sought to establish a management team that could support the People Directorate Senior Leadership Team in meeting the strategic priorities of the council, the ongoing and emerging partnership arrangements within North Lincolnshire and service delivery to improve outcomes for all.

The review was designed to create a more robust management system for vulnerable adults that was timely and preventative at all levels and met the financial challenges for the future.

Details of the proposed changes were outlined within the report and its accompanying appendices.

Resolved – (a)  That the proposals outlined in Appendix 1 to the report to create the new management structure for the Adults Services division be approved, and (b) that the new structure be implemented with effect from 1 November 2012.

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