Asset Management, Culture & Housing Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 May 2014

99                (1) HUMBER UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL COLLEGE – CAPITAL PROJECT PROCUREMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND LEASE – The Director of Places submitted a report to advise that the Humber University Technical College (UTC) had requested that the council implemented the design and construction of the UTC capital project.  The council would be required to enter into a lease with the UTC for the proposed site.

The council’s Building Schools for the Future Local Education Partnership (BSF LEP) had been reviewed and it was considered that this was the only way of designing and constructing the new UTC building within the required programme.

The UTC and Education Funding Agency (EFA) had agreed that the site be the former Scunthorpe Leisure Centre site located on Carlton Street, Scunthorpe.

It was proposed that the council procure the design and construction of the UTC capital project on behalf of the EFA using the BSF LEP.  The EFA would provide a letter of grant to underpin the proposed development and officers would work to agree a lease with the UTC for the former Scunthorpe Leisure Centre site.

It was anticipated that this would help the UTC achieve a September 2015 opening date and the contractual structure of the BSF documentation would require amendment to facilitate this.

Although not the decision maker, Cllr Mrs Redfern had declared her status as a council appointed director of the UTC pursuant to Regulation 13 2 (d) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. A dispensation in accordance with Regulation 13 2 (e) has been granted to reflect this.

Resolved – (a) That option 1 as set out in the report be approved; (b) that the Chief Executive in consultation with the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic be authorised to approve the details of any agreement entered by the council with the UTC or EFA, and (c) that the Cabinet Member receives monthly progress updates relating to both the lease and the capital project.


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