The Leader of the Council – Minutes – 11 October 2013

63        (4) PLACES DIRECTORATE PLAN AND PERFORMANCE TARGETS 2013/14 – The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval of the 2013/14 Places directorate plan and the key performance indicators and targets for the directorate.

The Council Strategy 2013/17 was approved in June 2013 and set out the council’s vision, priorities and aims to change outcomes for all people living and working in the area.  The directorate plan was a key part of the council’s strategy and performance framework and ensured that directorate developments were in line with the strategic outcomes and aligned resources to them.

The plan was a ‘live’ document that would continue to be developed and improved to reflect progress that was being made.

Resolved – That the Places Directorate Plan 2013/14 be approved.


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