People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 2 April 2014

128      (57) BROUGHTON PRIMARY AMALGAMATION – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval to implement the amalgamation proposal for Broughton Infant School and Broughton Junior School.

The local authority published a public notice on 16 January 2014 confirming its intention to merge Broughton Infant School and Broughton Junior School to create a through-primary school.  It was confirmed that the notice period had come to an end and the Local Authority must decide whether to implement or refuse the proposal.

The initial public consultation demonstrated significant support for the amalgamation.  No objections or representations had been received in relation to the publication of the public notice confirming the Local Authority’s intention to proceed with the amalgamation.

Resolved – That the implementation of the proposal outlined in the public notice of 16 January 2014 to amalgamate Broughton Infant School and Broughton Junior School with effect from 1 September 2014 be approved.

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 129refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

129      (58)  TRANSFORMING AND IMPROVING SERVICES FOR ADULTS – The Director of People submitted a report which sought consideration of the proposed service structure that would deliver the transformation of services for vulnerable adults.

It was explained that the new structure would enable the implementation of phase 1 of Frail and Frail Elderly priority work stream and Better Care Plan and increase the number of people employed by 16.4 FTE posts.

The cabinet member was advised that the new structure would enhance the achievability of the performance measures set within the Better Care Fund Plans. It was anticipated that implementing the new service would provide the opportunity to meet the required outcomes of the Better Care Fund 2014/15 and develop trust in the new partnership between the council and the clinical commissioning group and set the platform from which the council could implement whole health and social care system redesign.

Further details were outlined within the report and associated appendix.

Resolved – That the transformation and updates to the staffing establishment outlined in Appendix 1 to improve the outcomes for vulnerable people be approved.

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Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.