People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 29 January 2014

121      (50) DEFIBRILLATORS IN SCHOOLS – The Chief Executive submitted a report which sought consideration for the provision of defibrillators in two further secondary/special schools not covered by previous financial assistance from the Community Grant Fund in addition to those covered by Minute 116 of 23 January 2014.

Further to the cabinet member report published on 15 January an additional application for grant funding had been received to provide a defibrillator in two further schools, St Bedes and St Hugh’s.

Minute 116 approved the decision to extend the provision of defibrillators to 5 further schools.  In the light of this it was proposed that approval for the additional 2 schools be included as a matter of urgency so that all named schools could access the proposal as soon as possible.

Resolved – That the provision of defibrillators to all the named schools be approved.

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