Policy & Resources Cabinet Member – Minutes – 3 September 2013

82        (22) NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE IMPLICATIONS FOR APPRENTICES – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which sought consideration to make amendments to the council’s pay rates for apprentices to ensure continued compliance with National Minimum Wage (NMW) requirements.

The council was obliged to increase the pay of apprentices to ensure that they received the new NMW apprentice rate of £2.68 per hour with effect from 1 October 2013.

An urgent decision was taken to enable the necessary changes to be implemented from 1 October 2013, for all apprentices concerned.

Resolved –  That option one as detailed within the report be approved and adopted.

83        (23)  NJC PAY AWARD 2013/2014 – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report which sought approval for the deletion of spinal column point (Scp) 4 and the realignment of the grade 1/grade 2 boundary, following the implementation of the National Joint Council (NJC) pay award for 2013/2014.

An urgent decision was taken to enable the necessary changes to be implemented from 1 October 2013, for all employees concerned.

Resolved –  That option one as detailed within the report be approved and adopted.

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