Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 30 July 2014

125  (3)CATERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN UPDATE – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for an updated version of the Catering Development Plan.

The Catering Service had put in place a development plan to improve the quality of services for the benefit of the customers.  A soft market testing exercise that was conducted in 2012 helped shape the plan.  The plan was updated annually to reflect the progress made and changing development priorities for action.

The updated plan was appended to the report at Appendix 1.  It showed the actions that had been completed, which had added value to the council’s customers and improved service.  It also showed the council’s plans for the coming year.  These were formed by listening to customers and stakeholders, as well as gaining market intelligence in conjunction with the council’s commercial team.

Resolved – That the updated Catering Development Plan for 2014/15 be approved.

126  (4) TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER – SCHOOL SAFETY MEASURES JOHN HARRISON PRIMARY SCHOOL, BARROW UPON HUMBER – The Director of Places submitted a report considering objections received to the proposed parking restrictions around John Harrison Primary School, Barrow upon Humber.

The council had consulted on proposals to introduce parking restrictions around John Harrison Primary School, Barrow upon Humber.  The proposed measures were part of the council’s commitment to improve safety outside of the county’s schools.  The measures included enforceable parking restrictions and an advisory 20mph speed limit.

The measures were part of the ongoing process to reduce the number of children who were brought to school by car.  They would encourage more healthy and ‘green’ alternatives and make the environment outside schools safer.

The Parish Council, local residents and the school were all consulted.  Notices were also posted on site.  Eight objections were received from local residents.

Resolved – (a) That the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order, as shown on the plans at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved, and (b) that officers write to the objectors advising them of the decision, following the normal statutory procedure.

127  (5) PERMIT SCHEME FOR STREET WORKS ETC – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval for the principle of introducing a ‘permit’ scheme for street works, and agreement for the scope of such a scheme and the process to be followed towards its adoption.

The Highway network was essential to the success of the local economy.  The network was occasionally disrupted for the purposes of repairing and renewing essential services (water, gas, electricity, telecommunications etc).  The council also needed to routinely undertake maintenance on the network.

The disruptions affected the travelling public and businesses.  They made predicting journey times difficult for time critical logistics and public transport.  They could adversely impact on the attractiveness of the area to visitors.

The Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) included an aspiration to improve the co-ordination of street works.  The objective was to “co-ordinate and reduce the time taken to undertake road works and street works effectively and safely”.  Introducing a ‘permit’ scheme for street works would help towards achieving these aims.  The scheme would also apply to works carried out by the council (and its contractors).

The New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) 1991 provided for a system for utility companies (Statutory Undertakers) to notify the council of any works they intended to undertake.  These processes helped in co-ordinating works and as such, reduced any adverse impacts for network users.  These included bus operators who had limited flexibility to alter their routes and timings.

The incentives for those affecting the network to seek efficiencies were quite limited under the NRSWA process, however, the Traffic Management Act 2004 allowed the introduction of permit schemes.  A permit scheme allowed, through penalties for contraventions, a direct financial incentive to minimise disruption.  Under such a scheme, it was unlawful for anybody to undertake work in the highway without a permit.

The Department for Transport planned to deregulate the permit system in April 2015.  This would allow councils the discretion to sign off local permit schemes rather than applying for permission from government.

Resolved – (a)That the principle of introducing a ‘permit’ scheme for street works be approved, and (b) that a further progress report be submitted to the Cabinet Member in December 2014, following consultation, on the scope of a recommended permit scheme and the process for formal adoption.

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 128 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

128  (6) REVIEW OF DRIVERS AND ESCORTS – The Director of Places submitted a report considering a change to the requirement for Drivers and Escorts following a review of Adult Day Services.

The Transport Division provided Driver and Escort services to Adult Services.  A review of Adult Day Services had taken place which provided opportunities for residents to use their personal budgets with different models of support.  The restructure for the service was based on levels of need.  It would provide preventative services in a more targeted way.

The report gave full details of proposals, including financial implications.

Resolved – That the changes to the establishment, as set out in Option 1 at paragraph 3.1 in the report, with effect from 1 June 2014, be approved.