People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 27 February 2015

The corresponding report of the following item (Minute 1 refers) contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 and 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

1        (1)  REVIEW: HEALTH IMPROVEMENT TEAM STRUCTURE AND ROLES The Directors of Places and Public Health submitted a joint report which sought approval for an improved structure for the delivery of public health activities by the Health Improvement Team of the Places Directorate.

It was anticipated that the proposed changes would provide structure to a number of complimentary activities that were co-located within the same team, provide greater focus to deliver the public health outcomes and provide improved coordination of activities across a broad spectrum of public health.

The formal transfer of responsibility for the local delivery of public health from the NHS to Local Authorities took place when the Director of Public Health (DPH) and relevant staff transferred on 1 April 2013.

Following a year of embedding the new arrangements a review of performance and practice had identified a structure that would provide management support and ensure delivery of public health outcomes. The structure brings together the following functions within the Technical & Environment Services Division:

·          Health Improvement Team (Tobacco control, Increasing physical activity, Obesity policy and strategy)

·          Health Trainers

·          Health Improvement Practitioner Specialist (Healthy Workplaces)

·          Community Facilitator

Details of the proposed changes were outlined within the report and associated appendices.

Resolved – (a) That the revised structure for the Health Improvement Team detailed in Appendix B to the report be approved; (b) that the vacant Health Trainer post be confirmed as Grade 5, and (c) that the structure be implemented as soon as practicable.

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