Regeneration Cabinet Member – Minutes – 6 August 2014

95        (11) APPLEBY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The Director of Places submitted a report to inform the Cabinet Member that Appleby Parish Council had applied to have their area formally designated for the purposes of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan, and sought approval to advertise and consult on Appleby Parish Council’s application for neighbourhood area status.

The Localism Act 2011 provided the chance for local communities to get involved in the planning of their areas and could neighbourhood plans, neighbourhood development orders and community right to build orders. 

Appleby Parish Council were preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for their area and had submitted an application which was appended to the report. The council now needed to consult with the community and other interested stakeholders.

Full details were outlined within the report and associated appendices..

Resolved – (a) That Appleby Parish Council’s application for neighbourhood area status be advertised, and (b) a six week public consultation on the application be undertaken.