Regeneration Cabinet Member – Minutes – 6 November 2014  

104   (19)  CHARGING FOR PRE-APPLICATION PLANNING ADVICE FOR WIND TURBINE PROPOSALS The Director of Places submitted a report, which sought approval to introduce charging locally for pre-application planning advice for wind turbine proposals.

It was explained that communicating with developers about potential planning applications was essential for successful engagement with developers. This included members of the public wanting to undertake minor projects, to specialist teams wanting advice on major strategic developments.

A submission fee covering most applications was introduced by legislation in 1981 and the fee regime had gradually evolved since then.  The Local Government Act 2003 allowed council’s to charge for the offering pre-application advice.

It was considered that there was a good case for the proposal to charge for advice relating to the construction of wind turbines and wind farms due to the length of time these applications often took and the work involved.

Officers had looked at charges introduced by other local authorities when considering a suitable scheme for North Lincolnshire. It was suggested that a charging regime similar to that operated by the neighbouring Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council was adopted.

Resolved – That the Cabinet Member approves the introduction of fee charging for pre-application planning advice on wind turbines based upon the following charges:

·  £800 for a single meeting rising to up to £3500 for five or more meetings.


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