People Cabinet Member – Minutes – 3 October 2014

 162            (26)  REVISION TO THE FOSTERING SERVICE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval for the annual revisions to the Fostering Service Statement of Purpose. 

The Fostering Service was required by The Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations 2011 and the National Minimum Standards (Fostering) 2011 – to have in place a Statement of Purpose that was reviewed on a regular basis and updated as appropriate.

Following the yearly review of the Statement of Purpose for the Fostering Service, revisions had been made which ensured they reflected current practice revised guidance and updated legislation.

Resolved – That the revised Fostering Service Statement of Purpose be approved.

163      (27)  CORPORATE PARENTING IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIREThe Director of People submitted a report which sought approval to consolidate the Council’s responsibilities as a Corporate Parent, and Refresh commitment to the purpose and function of the Corporate Parenting Board and “Creative Conversation”.

The Council had a duty of care for looked after children and to enhance their life chances as any good parent would do. The Children Act 1989 made it clear that this was a responsibility for the whole Council, and not just for the directorate that delivered services for children and young people.

The Corporate Parenting Board was attended by senior representation from all the council’s directorates, as well as from other key agencies such as the police and health.  As a result children had experienced improved life chances, taken part in regional and national events and the council had secured a positive commitment to the role of the corporate parent.

The terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Board including membership was appended to the report.

Resolved – That the Corporate Parenting Board Terms of Reference be approved.

164            (28)  REVISION TO THE CYGNETS STATEMENT OF PURPOSEThe Director of People submitted a report which soughtapproval for a revised Statement of Purpose for the Cygnets Short Break Children’s Home.

Children’s Homes were required by the Children’s Homes Regulations 2001 (updated 2011 and 2013) to have in place a Statement of Purpose that was reviewed on a regular basis and updated as appropriate.

Schedule 1 of the amended regulations, which came into force in April 2014,  revised the matters to be included in the statement of purpose adding additional elements which included being outcome focussed, anti-discriminatory practice, the homes approach to responding to children’s health needs, the homes approach to behavioural support and the details of staff experience and qualifications.

The Statement of Purpose was an integral component of the inspection of children’s homes undertaken by OfSTED.

Resolved – That the revised Cygnet’s Statement of Purpose be approved.

165      (29)  THE FUTURE OF YORKSHIRE AND HUMBER GRID FOR LEARNING  REGIONAL BROADBAND CONSORTIUM – The Director of People submitted a report to summarise the recommendations from the Yorkshire & Humber Grid for Learning Joint Committee on the termination of the Joint Committee Agreement of 28 March 2007, and sought approval for North Lincolnshire Council to agree to the proposed termination of the Joint Committee Agreement and the Council’s formal membership.

The Yorkshire and Humber Grid for Learning Regional Broadband Consortium was formally established in 2001 by the first joint Committee Agreement to deliver the then Governments regional broadband strategy for providing high speed connections to schools across the region. 

In Yorkshire and Humber 12 of the original 15 local authorities signed the Joint Committee Agreement, which led to the delivery of regional broadband to their schools.

The changing nature of the services required from schools and local authorities meant that maintaining the Consortium in the current form was no longer a viable option.   North Lincolnshire Council made a strategic decision to terminate its connection to the YHGfL Grid in order to offers its schools a more commercially competitive broadband connection through its service to schools agreement.

Further details were outlined within the report, and a report from the secretary to the Joint Committee was appended to the report.

Resolved That the recommendation to terminate the Yorkshire and Humber Grid for Learning Consortium and the Council’s membership with effect from the 1 April 2015 be approved.

166      (30)  ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT REVIEWING OFFICERS (IRO) SERVICE 2013/14 – The Director of People submitted a report which presented the annual report of the Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) service 2013/14.

The IRO Handbook stated that the IRO manager should be responsible for the production of an annual report for the scrutiny of members of the corporate parenting board. This report identified and made reference to good practice and highlighted issues for further development. The full report was appended.

ResolvedThat the publication of the annual report of the IRO service be approved.

167      (31)  OFSTED INSPECTIONS FOR SCHOOLS IN THE LOCAL AUTHORITY AREA – The Director of People submitted a report to inform the Cabinet Member of the outcomes of the Ofsted inspection for Barton St Peter’s CE Primary, John Harrison CE Primary and Winterton Junior School.

The school had been inspected under the Section 5 Ofsted inspection schedule for schools.  A full copy of the report had been placed in the political group offices.

Resolved – That the Cabinet Member writes to the Headteacher or Chair of Governors/Interim Executive Board of the schools regarding the outcome of their inspection.

168      (32)  SCHOOL GOVERNORS – CODE OF PRACTICE – The Director of People submitted a report which sought approval of the draft governors’ code of practice 2014. 

The draft governors’ code of practice had been written taking in to account guidance from the National Governors’ Association, advice received from the Department for Education (May 2014) and a specific outcome from the Governors Spring Term conference (2014) which was for the LA to produce a document clarifying the roles and responsibilities of governors.

Full details were outlined within the report and the terms of reference which were appended to it.

Resolved  –  That option 1 as outlined within the report be approved.

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