Regeneration and Devolution Cabinet Member – Minutes – 13 July 2015


3          (3)  SPECIAL LEAVE POLICY – The Assistant Director Human Resources submitted a report which sought approval for the council’s updated Special Leave policy.

The council had in place a Special Leave policy which existed to provide clarity around time off work for reasons other than sickness or annual leave.  The council provided up to six days of paid leave for employees who were foster carers for the council.

Foster carers formed part of the council’s Corporate Parenting Pledge and as such the council was seeking to increase the numbers of foster carers and to make the role as accessible to individuals as possible.  The concept of a ‘foster friendly employer’ was part of a series of reforms the previous coalition government made to improve outcomes for foster families.

Accepting the revised policy would better enable the council to fulfil its Corporate Parenting Pledge and contribute to ensuring better outcomes for foster children and foster families.

Further details were outlined within the report and associated appendices.

Resolved – That the revised policy be approved and implemented.