Regeneration and Devolution Cabinet Member – Minutes – 9 July 2015

2          (2)  AFFORDABLE HOUSING INTERIM POLICY STATEMENT – The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval of the Affordable Housing Interim Policy Statement to provide clear guidance for officers, elected members and applicants with regard to the provision of affordable housing.

The interim statement included definitions of Affordable Housing and the different types, including rented (affordable, social, older peoples), intermediate housing (starter homes and shared ownership) and specialist housing.

It set out the planning policies and other criteria that would need consideration by officers, and applicants when dealing with proposals which included affordable housing. It identified the relevant national planning policy set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) as well as the local planning policies derived from the Core Strategy Development Plan Document (June 2011).

Resolved – That the Affordable Housing Interim Policy Statement be approved.