Policy & Finance and Neighbourhoods Cabinet Members – Minutes – 29 July 2015

2    (2) ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW: CONSTRUCTION & HIGHWAYS FRAMEWORK The Director of Policy and Resources and Director of Places submitted a joint report which set out the outcome of the first annual performance review of the council’s integrated Construction and Highways Framework Arrangement.

In June 2014 the council awarded an integrated framework arrangement for the delivery of all construction and highways related works.  The design of the framework provided for formal annual performance reviews to help ensure that it delivered value for money and continuous improvement over its 4 year life.

The framework was structured as lots, which were identified within the report.

A performance review of the framework was undertaken on its first anniversary for all lots where data was available and the findings were considered by the construction framework board on 26 June 2015.  It was confirmed that the total spend through the framework in its first year was £18.65m which indicated that activity was within the forecast and advertised range.

To help manage performance, key indicators were used set against UK Construction Industry standards.  The targets set for contractors on the framework were within the top 10% of industry standards as published in the UK Industry Performance Report (CITB/BIS).  The latest KPI results for completed projects are set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

Further promotion of the framework to realise the commercial income opportunity was to be undertaken with the assistance of the council’s Commercial Team.

Resolved – That the findings from the first annual performance review of the Construction and Highways Framework be noted.