Business, Innovation, Employment & Skills Cabinet Member – Minutes – 31 May 2016

4 (4) PEOPLE DIRECTORATE UPDATE TO CAPITAL PROGRAMMES – The Director of People submitted a report seeking approval for the implementation of the People Directorates revised capital programme for 2016-2020.

The People Directorate’s previous capital programme was approved on 29 June 2015.  The current capital programme had been revised, taking into account new funding allocations and priorities.  The revised programme was attached at appendix 1 to the report.

Resolved – (a) That Option 1, set out in the report, allowing the revised programme of works to be implemented, be approved; (b) that decisions for approving the priority order of schemes, based on feasibility outcomes and resource availability, to ensure the four year programme did not overspend, be delegated to the Assistant Director (Prevention and Commissioning); (c) that where the outcome of a feasibility study identified that works needed to be undertaken within the four year period, that works may commence, having taken into account resource limitations and relative priority of other schemes; (d) that the Assistant Director (Prevention and Commissioning) be authorised to approve and commission emergency works which, if not undertaken, may result in school closure or unacceptable risk of harm, and (e) that the Assistant Director (Prevention and Commissioning) be authorised to approve and commission immediate works that were necessary for the council to meet its statutory duties relating to the supply of school places.