Environment Cabinet Member – Minutes – 16 September 2016

10 (10) HIGHWAYS LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN AND CAPITAL PROGRAMME OF WORKS 2016-17 – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval of the programme of works for 2016-17, and informing the Cabinet Member of the proposed allocations of transport funding between various themes in order to meet the objectives of the Local Transport Plan and the Transport Asset Management Plan.

Transport capital expenditure was traditionally secured through the Local Transport Plan (LTP) process. The council was required to submit an LTP submission to the Government.  This plan set out transport priorities for the council. This year had seen the continuation of the third generation of these plans.  These now covered a 15-year period.

As part of the LTP submission, local highway authorities were required to produce a three-year Implementation plan.  This plan set out the programme of themes and expected outcomes for the plan over three fiscal years 2014/17. The Programme of Works reported details the third year of that Plan (2016/17).

In December 2014 the Government announced funding totalling £6 billion nationally between 2015/16 and 2020/21 for the local highways maintenance capital funding element. The majority of funding made available to councils was on a “needs” basis calculated from various sets of data. A further amount was set aside for a bidding process called the ‘Local Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund’.  The remaining amount had been set aside for incentive funding.

In order for councils to maximise the highways maintenance element of funding they were now required to bid for Maintenance Challenge Funds and fully develop a Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP).

The report gave details of the programme of works, along with the various issues related to the highways works programme development and future reporting.

Resolved – (a) That the programme of works, as detailed in appendix 1 and 2 to the report, be approved; (b) that further progress reports be submitted to the Cabinet Member on the delivery of the programme and on the achievement of targets and indicators linked to the LTP process, and (c) that the principle that any current year LTP and Capital under spend from 2015/16 be carried forward and added to next year’s programme, be supported.