Business, Innovation, Employment & Skills and Commercial Enterprise Cabinet Members – Minutes – 7 February 2017
2 (2) TRADITIONAL SHOP FRONT GRANT SCHEME – The Director of Places submitted a report seeking approval to provide a Traditional Shop Front Grant Scheme in the Brigg Conservation Area.
North Lincolnshire had many conservation areas. These contained high quality design shop fronts worthy of protection. In some areas, shop fronts had been lost to poor designs.
To overcome this, the council had produced a Shop Front Design Guide. This provided guidance on works to shop fronts, signs and fascias etc. within the council’s conservation areas. The Planning Committee agreed in June 2016 to adopt the Design Guide for use as a guidance document alongside the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and Saved Local Plan policies.
Shop fronts made a big impact on the appearance of a town centre and the character of the conservation area. Their condition affected a town’s image. High quality shop fronts made a town feel more welcoming to locals and visitors. They improved its image and built a stronger sense of identity. They also encouraged a greater number of shopping visits.
It was proposed that a grant for shop fronts was offered using the adopted Shop Front Design Guide as a template. This would promote the introduction of quality designs in conservation areas.
Resolved – That the provision of grants for new traditional shop fronts in the Brigg Conservation Area be approved.