Safer, Greener & Cleaner Places Cabinet Member – Minutes – 1 March 2018

21 (21) SCUNTHORPE TOWN AND LOW SANTON AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT AREAS (AQMAs) UPDATE – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval for the publication of a Scunthorpe Town Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Amendment Order in accordance with Section 83(2)(a) and Santon Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Revocation Order in accordance with Section 83(2)(b) of the Environment Act 1995. The Amendment Order and Revocation Order were contained in Appendix 3 and 4 of the report.

The Environment Act 1995 placed a duty upon the council to review and assess air quality within its district against national and EU air quality objectives. Section 83 of the Act required local authorities to designate an air quality management area (AQMA) where air quality objectives were not being achieved or were not likely to be achieved within the relevant period of compliance, taking into account the location of sensitive receptors.

The council had declared two AQMA’s. These related to areas of Scunthorpe and Low Santon. These were declared in 2005 and 2008 respectively. Both AQMA’s were declared due to measured elevated levels of dust (particulate matter) which could be inhaled into the lungs. This type of particulate matter (PM) had a small diameter of 10 microns and was commonly known as PM10.

Once an AQMA was declared, the council was required to produce and implement an Air Quality Action Plan to improve air quality within the AQMA.

Since formal designation of the two AQMA’s the council had worked with Regulators, Health Professionals and local businesses via a Local Industry Forum in order to implement the Action Plan, with the aim of reducing levels of PM10. This hard work by partners of the forum and considerable financial investment by local businesses had contributed to a significant reduction in PM10 levels within the AQMA’s.

Air quality monitoring had demonstrated that PM10 levels within the Low Santon AQMA had improved to the extent that it no longer breached the annual Air Quality Objective for PM10. It had also demonstrated that some areas within the Scunthorpe Town AQMA had improved levels of air quality, as PM10 levels no longer breached the daily mean Air Quality Objective.

The council assessed the air quality monitoring data gathered by its network of monitoring sites in order to produce a Detailed Assessment. Further details were set out in the report.

In accordance with the Environment Act 1995 all statutory consultees had now been advised of and properly consulted on the proposed revisions and revocation of the AQMA’s. No comments were received on the proposals.

Resolved – That the publication of the Scunthorpe Town Amendment Order and the Low Santon Revocation Order be approved.

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