Environment & Wellbeing and Prosperity Cabinet Members – Minutes – 19 March 2020 (Joint)

2 SOCIAL VALUE CHARTER – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report seeking approval of the #SocialValueNL Charter to enhance outcomes achieved through commissioning and procurement activity.

The Council had a demonstrable track-record of success in delivering social value through its procurement and commissioning arrangements.

The charter aimed to support achieving improved outcomes for people in North Lincolnshire and support the Council Plan priorities.

The Council’s ambition was for North Lincolnshire to be the #bestplace for residents. This included ensuring that the effects of investment and growth in North Lincolnshire were positive and inclusive by contributing social value that enhanced the long-term social, economic and environmental wellbeing of communities and individuals.

The Council had demonstrated a successful track-record of achieving social value outcomes through its major procurement and commissioning arrangements. These outcomes supported the delivery of the Council Plan and enabled the Council to comply with the requirements of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012.

The Council’s construction framework was an example where the commitment to social value had received national recognition.

A #SocialValueNL Charter had been developed and the charter formed part of an evidenced based framework to extend and enhance opportunities for improved social value outcomes that supported the Council Plan priorities.

The framework identified key areas where outcomes in North Lincolnshire could be improved comparable to other areas. By working together with providers and contracted suppliers the social value commitment could contribute to relevant measures for North Lincolnshire being ranked among the top quartile nationally by 2025 and top 10% by 2030. Key outcomes sought were detailed at paragraph 2.5 of the report.

The charter included areas of focus by encouraging contracted suppliers and providers to “pledge” a commitment to providing additional social value through their contract. These areas were listed at paragraph 2.6 of the report.

Tenderers would be required to set out in their bid what their specific undertaking/s would be in the form of a “method statement”. This would be evaluated as a part for the tender evaluation process with a percentage of the overall award criteria for the contract allocated to social value.

The #SocialValueNL Charter had been designed so that it could respond flexibly to meet the evolving needs of the Council’s policy development framework and priorities.

Resolved – That the #SocialValueNL Charter at appendix 1 be approved.