Resident Engagement and Governance – Minutes – 15 October 2019

1 (1) ESTABLISHING A NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE RESIDENTS PANEL – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report seeking approval for the establishment of a North Lincolnshire Residents Panel.

In 2018 the council undertook a comprehensive self-assessment of its engagement activity. This confirmed that significant engagement activity took place with individuals and communities with areas of excellent practice identified, including the local Young Voice arrangements promoted through the Youth Council.

The development of a North Lincolnshire Residents Panel supplemented this excellent practice and demonstrated the council’s commitment to continuous improvement, creating a formal, consistent means through which the council could engage with a demographically representative group of residents, in accordance with recommended best practice.

The panel would be digital by default in design, through on-line contact with the flexibility to undertake telephone and postal surveys and convene face to face focus groups and workshops, as appropriate. Research had shown that the average panel size was 1500 with a usual response rate of between 50-60%.

Panel members would be recruited from across North Lincolnshire, using the electoral register, and would be demographically representative of the residents of North Lincolnshire, including registered 16 and 17 year olds.

The Panel had the potential to be used for stakeholder engagement, surveys, as a supplement to statutory and other consultations, council service planning, service re-design and strategy and policy development.

Resolved – That the proposal to establish a North Lincolnshire Residents Panel, as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report, be approved.