Resident Engagement & Governance Cabinet Member – Minutes – 29 October 2019

2 CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report seeking approval of the council’s new Customer Service Standards.

The council’s ambition was to be the #BestCouncil possible and the #BestPlace for residents. The council recognised that excellent engagement between the council and its residents and communities was essential for realising the council plan.

Effective customer service was an integral element of effective public engagement. The previous Customer Service Standards published by the council historically focused solely on a range of process issues that were no longer compatible with the council ambition.

As part of the council’s enhanced approach to public engagement, a commitment to residents in the form of new Customer Service Standards had been set out. The standards were shaped around four key customer service principles:

• Treating you right
• Keeping you informed
• Making it easy
• Getting it right

The standards:

• Set out the council’s customer service commitments
• Established a single and consistent approach to customer service
• Provide a basis for monitoring performance
• Were clear and transparent helping to build improved understanding, trust and confidence

The standards would be published on the council’s website and would be monitored as part of established performance management and assurance frameworks.

Resolved – That the new Customer Service Standards be approved.