Appointment and Employment Committee (Special Meeting) – 30 September 2016

Chairman:    To be appointed

Venue:         Civic Centre, Scunthorpe, Function Room 1

Time:  8:30am


  1. To appoint a chairman.
  2. Substitutions. (if any)
  3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests. (if any)
  4. Remuneration of Executive Director Posts – Report of the Assistant Director: Human Resources.
  5. Any other items which the chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT: – Councillors A Davison, L Foster, Hannigan, Baroness Mrs Redfern and Waltham.

The committeemet at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

28      CHAIRMAN – Councillor Baroness Redfern was appointed chairman of the committee.

Councillor Baroness Redfern thereupon took the chair.

29      DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY, PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – There were no declarations of interests made at the meeting.

30      (1)      REMUNERATION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR POSTS – The Assistant Director: Human Resources submitted a report requesting the committee to consider setting the remuneration of the two executive director posts established as part of the first stage of the review of the council’s Senior Management Structure. This first part of the structure and associated interim arrangements before its implementation had been approved by the council at its meeting on 29 September 2016.

The report explained that the new senior management structure would create two new executive level posts that replaced the Chief Executive post and those of the three directors.  The two new posts would allow the council to focus on its key agendas of transformation and commercial activities. The statutory role of Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer was to be allocated to the Executive Director: People and Transformation.  Other statutory Director roles would remain with the existing post holders until the new Director level of the structure was decided.

Analysis of a range of posts at the executive level had been undertaken.  Although there were not exact matches there was a range of salaries paid to similar posts.  Based on this analysis and taking the median level of salaries it was proposed to set single point pay grades of £144,000 for the Executive Director: People and Transformation and £135,000 for the Executive Director: Commercial.  A formal consultation process had been undertaken with staff and trade unions. The Assistant Director stated that the council’s review protocol would be followed to appoint to these posts.  Expressions of interest would be sought from the existing permanent directors in the ring fence and a member appointments process followed in accordance with the council’s Constitution.

The above proposals would be met from within the existing budget provision with indicative savings arising from the review of the four senior management posts into the two new posts being in the order of £212,000 a year – £848,000 over the financial plan period.   The detailed financial implications in the first year would need to be worked through when exit costs of staff who were leaving were known.

 The Assistant Director: Human Resources and the Director of Policy and Resources who was also in attendance, responded to questions asked by members.

Resolved Unanimously – That the remuneration of the posts be set at single point pay grades of £144,000 for the Executive Director: People and Transformation and £135,000 for the Executive Director: Commercial.