Health and Care Integrated Commissioning Committee – 22 September 2020

Chairman: To be appointed
Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Time: 12:30pm
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1. Welcome and introductions.

2. Working Arrangements and Terms of Reference

3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4. Integrated Care System – Humber, Coast and Vale.

5. North Lincolnshire Integrated Health and Care Plan.

6. North Lincolnshire Integrated Commissioning Strategy – Children.

7. North Lincolnshire Integrated Commissioning Strategy – Adults.

8. Strategic Resources – Alignment of Funding.

9. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.




MEMBERS – Cllr Hannigan and Cllr Reed

OFFICERS – Mick Gibbs (Director: Children and Community Resilience), Becky McIntyre (Director: Governance and Partnerships), and Karen Pavey (Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing)


MEMBERS – Emma Sayner (Chief Finance Officer), Alex Seale, (Chief Operating Officer) and Erika Stoddart (Lay Member, Governance)

OFFICERS – Mike Napier, (Associate Director of Corporate Affairs – Hull CCG)

Dean Gillon, Senior Democratic Services Officer, was also in attendance.

The meeting was held virtually via MS Teams.

CHAIRMAN – Resolved – (a) That Councillor Hannigan be and he is hereby appointed chairman for the meeting, and (b) that Erika Stoddart be appointed as co-chair.

Councillor Hannigan thereupon took the chair.

2   WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the meeting and invited all attendees to introduce themselves.

3    WORKING ARRANGEMENTS AND TERM OF REFERENCE – The Chairman referred to the respective Terms of Reference for the Committee previously agreed by the CCG Governing Body and the council’s Cabinet.  It was confirmed that these would govern the operation of the Committee in Common.

Resolved – That the working arrangements and Terms of Reference be noted.

4     DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

5     INTEGRATED CARE SYSTEM – HUMBER, COAST AND VALE – Alex Seale gave a detailed presentation on the overview and operation arrangements of the Humber, Coast and Vale Integrated Care System.

The presentation covered the shared purpose, vision and operating principles, the operating arrangements of the population health system, and an overview of the collaborative functions and programmes.  The presentation concluded with a description of the responsibilities and approaches taken at place, at geographical partnership level, and at partnership-wide level.

The Chairman initiated a discussion about the need to build a preventative approach to health and wellbeing and environmental sustainability into the system.  Alex confirmed that there was wide agreement on this, and that prevention and sustainability were being built into all aspects of the functions and programmes described in the presentation.

Resolved – That the presentation be noted.

6     NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE INTEGRATED HEALTH AND CARE PLAN – The Director: Governance and Partnerships submitted a report introducing the North Lincolnshire Integrated Health and Care Plan, and providing an overview of the arrangements in place in respect of Integrated Care Partnerships.

The report described the national policy direction in recent years towards the integration of health, social care and related services.  This had been led regionally since 2016 via Sustainable Transformation Partnerships, but within North Lincolnshire, the council and CCG had a long history of working jointly to integrate services and to ensure the needs of the local population through system-level planning, commissioning and delivery.

The Council and the CCG had worked in partnership to lead, commission and develop integration across the health and care system. The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the North Lincolnshire Health and Care Integration Plan. The four strategic principles set out in the Plan were:

  • Enabling Self Care
  • Care Closer to Home
  • Right Care Right Place
  • Best Use of Resources

Resolved – (a) That the North Lincolnshire Integrated Health and Care Plan be noted, and (b) that the governance arrangements in place in respect of the Integrated Care Partnership for North Lincolnshire be noted.

7     NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING STRATEGY – CHILDREN.  The Director: Children and Community Resilience, North Lincolnshire Council, and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, submitted a joint report which sought approval for the Children’s Commissioning Strategy 2020/24.  The report stated that the commissioning strategy clarified the integrated ‘One Family Approach’ and commissioning intent in relation to health, social care and education for children, young people and families.

The Director gave a presentation on the strategy, explaining the key drivers, the development of the model and the emerging themes.  The presentation also described issues such as workforce development, stakeholder engagement and monitoring arrangements.

The Chairman then led a discussion on key elements of the commissioning strategy such as the ‘Shine a Light” priorities, governance arrangements to monitor progress and oversight, and how these are subsequently reported to the Integrated Children’s Trust.

Resolved – That the North Lincolnshire Children’s Commissioning Strategy 2020/24 be approved.

8     NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE INTEGRATED ADULTS PARTNSERSHIP STRATEGIC COMMISSIONING PLAN 2020/24.  The Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing, North Lincolnshire Council, and the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, submitted a joint report which sought approval for the Integrated Adults Partnership Strategic Commissioning Plan 2020/24.  The report stated that the commissioning plan clarified the integrated approach and commissioning intent in relation to health and social care with particular focus on community based out of hospital models of delivery.

The Director gave a presentation on the plan on a similar basis to the Children’s Commissioning Strategy (item 7 refers), but highlighting the need to invest in community, domiciliary and primary care, and on self-care and community support, in order to ensure that acute care remains focussed on those most in need.

The committee discussed the Commissioning Plan, and numerous examples of good practice were given, including streamlining and joining up domiciliary care purchasing.

Resolved – That the North Lincolnshire Integrated Adults Partnership Strategic Commissioning Plan 2020/24 be approved.

9  STRATEGIC RESOURCES – ALIGNMENT OF FUNDING. The Director: Governance and Partnerships, North Lincolnshire Council, and the Director of Finance, North Lincolnshire CCG submitted a joint report introducing the financial resources identified as part of the North Lincolnshire Health and Care system, and providing background and context for alignment of funding and budgets to the Integrated Health and Care Plan.  The Director confirmed that   there had been pooled budget arrangements in place between the council and clinical commissioning group for many years. Latterly a pooled budget for the delivery of the Better Care Fund Plan existed under a Section 75 agreement.

The Director: Governance and Partnerships explained that finance was a key unpinning requirement for the changes described within the Integrated Health and care Plan (item 6 refers), and highlighted that there would be opportunities for creativity in the use of this aligned funding in order to provide better services.

The committee discussed the report, stating that this was a huge opportunity to accelerate the integration agenda and to ensure value for money for local residents.  The creative use of resources would also facilitate ensuring that prevention and addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing could be ‘hardwired’ into the local system.

The Chairman concluded that they were assured that this report would assist in focussing on outcomes for local people, rather than on internal processes, and that trust and openness would be key in embracing this new, more integrated, way of working.

Resolved – (a) That the financial resources identified as contributing to the North Lincolnshire Integrated Health and Care system be noted and (b) that the principles and framework in respect of the alignment of financial resources be agreed and approved.