Health and Wellbeing Board – 16 September 2014

Chairman:  Councillor Rob Waltham
Venue:  International Room, Civic Centre
Time:  2 pm


1.  Welcome and Introductions

2.  Substitutions

3.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 14 June 2014

5.  Outstanding Action from previous meetings – Services and pathways for those who self-harm – verbal update introduced by the Transformation Director, Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber Mental Health NHS Trust

6.  Questions from members of the public


7.  Update on the Better Care Fund Plan – Joint Report by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council

8.  Planning for Health and Wellbeing – Report by the Director of Places (to follow).


9.  Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priority 1 – Focussing on the Best Start, Conception to Age 2.  Presentation by the Assistant Director Children, People Directorate.

10.  LGA Peer Challenge update – update by the Director of Public Health

11.  North Lincolnshire Council’s Work with Time to Change and Related Work Promoting a ‘Mental Healthy Workplace’ – Report by the Director of Public Health

12.  Healthwatch North Lincolnshire Update – Report by the Chair of Healthwatch Board, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire


13.  North Lincolnshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Report by the Director of Public Health.

14.   Integrated Working Partnership Update – Report by the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council

15.  Integrated Commissioning Partnership – Report by the Chief Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group (to follow).

16.  NHS Sustainability Day Campaign, invitation to participate – update by the Director of Policy and Resources.

17.  Date and time of next meeting:  9 December 2014, 2pm

18.  Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified. 


PRESENT:-  Councillor Waltham in the chair.

Statutory Members

Allison Cooke, Frances Cunning, Simon Driver, Mick Gibbs (representing Denise Hyde) and Julia Pollock

Non-Statutory Members

Kai Adegbembo (representing Anthony Forbes), Brian Booker, Pam Clipson (representing Karen Jackson), Geoff Day (representing Jo Coombs), Keith Evans (representing Chris Blacksell), Ewart Gibbs, Catherine Griffith (representing Anne Tyrell), Ian Jerams (representing Christine Bain), Becky McIntyre, Alex Noakes, Andy Orrey, Alan Usher, Mike Wedgewood and Peter Williams.

Councillor Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).
Caroline Briggs, Dean Gillon, Farzana Khanum, Karen Pavey and Pete Thorpe also attended the meeting.

The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

85 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the seventh meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.


87 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 14 June 2014 be approved as a correct record.

88 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – There were no questions from members of the public.

89 SELF HARM – Ian Jerams, Transformation Director Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, gave a short oral report on prevalence, treatment options and referral pathways for people presenting with self-harming behaviours.  The Board discussed how best the existing service could be accessed and publicised further, and how the service could align with the work of other agencies.

Resolved – (a) That Ian Jerams be thanked for the presentation and asked to prepare a short briefing note on the subject for circulation to all Board members, and (b) that consideration be given to providing a presentation on self harm to the Local Safeguarding Children Board.

90 (50)   UPDATE ON THE BETTER CARE FUND PLAN – The Director of People and the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) submitted a joint report providing the Board with an update to the national changes to the requirements for the Better Care Fund (BCF).

The Health and Wellbeing Board received and supported the draft plan developed for the BCF by the CCG and council at an extraordinary meeting on 14 February 2014. An update on the finalisation of the plan was given at a meeting of the Board on 25 March 2014 and delegation agreed for submission of the final plan on 4 April 2014 to NHS England. This was then to be subject to a national assurance process to provide sign off and approval to implement. The plan became an integral part of the North Lincolnshire 5 year Strategic Plan agreed in June 2014.

On 25 July 2014 revised guidance on the BCF was issued by NHS England and the Local Government Association. This made some changes to the requirements in relation to the BCF and required the resubmission of plans by 19 September 2014 with new templates issued for completion. The development of the revised plan was also subject to a national assurance programme through NHS England and substantial resources have been published and provided to support areas in the development of robust plans.

The CCG’s Chief Officer gave an overview of the work undertaken to review the submission in light of the revised guidance, before the Director of Commissioning gave a presentation on issues such as impacts and benefits, pooled budgets, metrics, and further required developments. It was explained that some of the required work would be completed by the required date, and that some would require further discussion and agreement beyond this.

Board members engaged in a discussion about the bid and the wider BCF agenda, particularly around the potential to disinvest in acute hospital provision where demand is increasing year-on-year, in order to fund a more community-based preventative approach.  There was general agreement that this approach was the most sustainable, and that the wider Board partnership should now focus on how this can be delivered in practice.

Resolved – (a) That further discussions take place amongst relevant partners to finalise aspects of the revised plan, where possible (b) that agreement of the revised plan be delegated to the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and the Chief Executive, North Lincolnshire Council, and submitted by 19 September 2014 with a supporting letter, with the understanding and acceptance that it will be approved with support or conditions from NHS England, and (c) that work continue to agree local solutions on outstanding issues.

91  UPDATE ON JOINT HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY PRIORITY 1 – FOCUSSING ON THE BEST START: CONCEPTION TO AGE TWO.  The Assistant Director – Children gave a detailed oral report, updating Board members on work that had taken place on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Priority 1 ‘Focussing on the Best Start: Conception to Age Two’.  The presentation included a description of an integrated service structured around a principle of “right service, right time, right place.”  Other improvements described within the presentation included reducing the number of professionals working with families, redesigning assessments, and reducing referrals.  An overview of relevant indicators was given, before the Board engaged in a discussion on integration, staffing and benefits to children.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the presentation on Priority Action 1 and also agree that adequate progress is being achieved with regard to meeting the required outcomes.

92  LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PEER CHALLENGE OF THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD – The Director of Public Health gave a brief oral update on discussions with the Local Government Association regarding the forthcoming Peer Challenge.  It was likely that the process would take place in the week commencing 9 March 2015, and a development session would be arranged beforehand to facilitate preparation.

Resolved – (a) That the update be noted, and (b) that members of the Health and Wellbeing Board be kept informed of progress with the arrangements for the Peer Challenge.

93 (51) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCIL’S WORK WITH TIME TO CHANGE AND RELATED WORK PROMOTING A ‘MENTAL HEALTHY WORKPLACE’ – A report was submitted by the Director of Public Health providing the Board with an update on ongoing work that the council was undertaking in partnership with Time to Change to reduce mental health stigma and discrimination.  North Lincolnshire Council was one of fifty organisations who had been selected to undergo Time to Change’s organisational health check / audit.  A range of activities were planned or underway to promote good mental health and to address stigma across the organisation.

Resolved – (a) That the content of the report on the work the council was doing to promote a mentally healthy workplace be noted, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board receive future progress updates as appropriate.

94 (52)  HEALTHWATCH UPDATE – The Chair of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire submitted a status report updating the Health and Wellbeing Board on progress.  The report included a detailed description of Healthwatch’s planned work for the year.  The Chairman invited comments on the report and explained that their Strategic Plan was currently being circulated to stakeholders.

Resolved – (a) That the progress and strategic work plan of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire be noted and that Healthwatch North Lincolnshire continue to fulfil its role on the Health and Wellbeing Board, and (b) that any feedback on a reporting format be directed towards the Chair of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire.

95 (53)  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT – A report was submitted by the Director of Public Health updating the Health and Wellbeing Board and noting the further work that had taken place to review and produce the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015-2018 on its behalf.

From 1 April 2013 Health and Wellbeing Boards were given delegated responsibility to produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).  Production of a revised PNA by the Board was a legal requirement, and there was a requirement to publish the PNA by 1 April 2015.  The Director of Public Health explained that a public survey related to the PNA was currently live, and encouraged all partners to consider responding.

Resolved – (a) That all partners consider responding to the ongoing public survey, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board note and agree activity relating to the production of the PNA.

96 (54) INTEGRATED WORKING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE – The Director of People submitted a report updating the Board on the work of the Integrated Working Partnership.  The purpose of the Partnership was to promote and encourage integrated working, and to identify and implement opportunities for integrated approaches and partnership working.

Resolved – (a) That the Board note the activity undertaken through the Integrated Working Partnership since the last Board meeting, and (b) that a suite of documents underpinning the implementation of successful integration be presented to the next Health and Wellbeing Board for endorsement.

97 INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE – An oral update was provided by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG.  The update briefed the Board on the work and decisions taken by the Integrated Commissioning Partnership since the last Board meeting.

Resolved – That the Board note the work undertaken by the Integrated Commissioning Partnership since the last Board meeting.

98 NHS SUSTAINABILITY DAY CAMPAIGN – The Director of Policy and Resources gave a brief oral update of an invitation to participate in the annual NHS Sustainability Day.  Board members were invited to put forward suggestions for possible areas of best practice.

Resolved – That any suggestions for inclusion in the NHS Sustainability Day be forwarded to the Director of Policy and Resources and dealt with accordingly.

99 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING –  It was noted that the next full meeting of the Board would be 2pm on 9 December in the International Room in the Civic Centre.

100 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS – The Chairman explained that it may be beneficial to widen participation and input to other members of the Board.  Following discussion, presentations to the next Board meeting were requested from North Lincolnshire Homes on tenant wellbeing issues, and from Citizens Advice Bureau on their work with the community.

Resolved – That relevant reports be prepared and included on the agenda for the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.