Health and Wellbeing Board – 9 December 2014
Chairman: Councillor Rob Waltham
Venue: International Room, Civic Centre
Time: 2 pm
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Substitutions
3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.
4. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 16 September 2014
5. Questions from members of the public
6. Health and Wellbeing Board Summary Statement – Report from the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council. (10 mins)
7. Integrated Working Partnership Update (including Suite of Documents to Support the Implementation of Integration) – Report by the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council (10 mins)
8. North Lincolnshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment – Report by the Director of Public Health. (5 mins)
9. LGA Peer Challenge – Verbal report by the Director of Public Health (5 mins)
10. Better Care Fund Update – Report from the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG and the Director of People, North Lincolnshire Council (to follow) (10 mins)
11. Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Priority 2 – People in North Lincolnshire can Lead Lives Free From Poverty. Report from the Director Policy and Resources and the Director of Public Health. Presentation by the Consultant in Public Health (Nurse), Policy and Resources. (20 mins)
12. Local Housing Issues and Wellbeing – Presentation by the Chief Executive, Ongo. (15 mins)
13. Supporting Local People through Advice and Guidance – Presentation by the Bureau Manager, Scunthorpe & District Citizens Advice Bureau (15 min)
14. Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report – Report by the Director of People (to follow) (10 mins)
15. Healthwatch North Lincolnshire Update – Report by the Chair of Healthwatch Board, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire. (10 mins)
16. Integrated Commissioning Partnership – Mental Health Concordat and Update – Report by the Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG (5 mins)
17. Membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board – Report by the Director, Policy and Resources. (2 mins)
18. Dates and times of future meetings. (2 mins)
19. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified. (5 min)
PRESENT:- Councillor Waltham in the chair.
Statutory Members
Caroline Briggs (representing Allison Cooke), Frances Cunning, Simon Driver, Denise Hyde and Julia Pollock
Non-Statutory Members
Anthony Forbes, Christine Bain, Brian Booker, Wendy Brownbridge, Nick Hamilton-Rudd, Geoff Day (representing Jo Coombs), Keith Evans (representing Chris Blacksell), Ewart Gibbs, Catherine Griffith (representing Anne Tyrell), Trevor Laming (representing Peter Williams), Becky McIntyre, Andy Orrey, Alan Usher, and Mike Wedgewood.
Councillors Bromby, Collinson, Wells and Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37(b).
Alex Dawson, Dean Gillon, and Tracey Wartnaby also attended the meeting.
The meeting was held at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.
101 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the eighth meeting of the board and invited all members and officers to introduce themselves.
103 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the board held on 16 September 2014 be approved as a correct record.
104 QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – There were no questions from members of the public.
105 (55) INTEGRATED WORKING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE (INCLUDING SUITE OF DOCUMENTS TO SUPPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATION) – The Director of People North Lincolnshire Council introduced the paper and suite of documents by updating the Board on the recent work of the Integrated Working Partnership, before asking the Board to approve and endorse the Suite of Documents drafted to enable integrated ways of working and integration. The Director stated that within North Lincolnshire all partners were on course to achieve their targets, and that work was progressing on the Frail and Elderly Strategy. The Board agreed that the Suite of Documents would be a useful resource which would aid integration of services, before engaging in further discussion around practical implications.
Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board notes the activities of the Integrated Working Partnership and the progress made, (b) that the Board notes the progress made in relation to the priority workstreams, (c) that the Board approves and endorses the Suite of Documents to enable integrated ways of working and integration, (d) that the Board endorses the development of the Integration News Update as a means of communicating progress, and (e) that the Board commits to disseminating the documentation across their agencies and organisations to further support the embedding of integrated approaches across the health and wellbeing workforce.
106 (56) NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE PHARMACEUTICAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT – The Director of Public Health updated the Board and noted the further work that had taken place to review and produce the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015-2018 on the Board’s behalf. The Director of Public Health confirmed that the consultation period had now ended, before inviting comments and questions.
Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board delegates authority to sign off the finalised Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment document.
107 (57) BETTER CARE FUND UPDATE – The Director of People North Lincolnshire Council and the Chief Officer North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group submitted a joint report updating the Board on progress with the Better Care Fund. The Director of Commissioning, North Lincolnshire CCG, stated that the draft plan had been submitted in September, and the accompanying assurance process completed. This had subsequently been approved with conditions, which had led to ongoing work to revise the documentation in order to have the conditions lifted.. Further information was given to the Board around the assurance process, links to mental health, social and acute care, and ensuring that previous learning was built into the new plan.
The Board asked a number of questions, including around benchmarking arrangements, unplanned care, and the ‘perfect week’ assurance test.
Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the outcome of the Nationally Consistent Assurance Review process and that an action plan was submitted in response, (b) that the Board delegates the final approval of re-submission to the Chief Officer North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the Chief Executive North Lincolnshire Council, in consultation with Chair of the Board, (c) that a detailed presentation on progress and plans for implementation be provided to the next Board meeting, and (d) that a further report be included on a future Board meeting on benchmarking and collaboration around the Better Care Fund.
108 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PEER CHALLENGE – The Director of Public Health gave a short oral report on ongoing preparations for the forthcoming Local Government Association Peer Challenge of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Director confirmed that the full team of peers had now been confirmed, and that the next scheduled meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board had been moved to 12 March 2014 in order to coincide with this. All members of the Board were encouraged to return their assessment questionnaires upon receipt, to enable a full understanding to be reached of Board members’ views.
Resolved – (a) That all Health and Wellbeing Board members note the alterations to the date and timings of the March 2015 Board meeting, and (b) that the situation be noted.
109 (58) HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2: ADDRESSING POVERTY AND REDUCING THE IMPACT ON PEOPLE. The Consultant in Public Health (Nurse) gave a detailed oral report, updating Board members on work that had taken place on the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan Priority 2 ‘People in North Lincolnshire Can Lead Lives Free from Poverty’. The presentation included a description of the identified priorities, actions taken, and areas for future work. Other improvements described within the presentation included training, education and increasing aspiration. The Board then engaged in a discussion on encouraging people into employment, attracting employers into the area, and stimulating the local economy.
Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the presentation on Priority Action 2 and agree that adequate progress was being achieved with regard to meeting the required outcomes, (b) that the proposals for future work be agreed, and (c) that work continue to attract and retain employers within North Lincolnshire.
110 (59) LOCAL HOUSING ISSUES AND WELLBEING – A presentation was given by the Chief Executive Ongo, setting out ten ways that their organisation had improved the lives, health and wellbeing of local people through activities related to housing and the built environment. These activities included schemes to keep people in their own homes, ensuring affordable warmth, reducing the number of accidents, and helping ex-offenders into work. A discussion was held about further work which Ongo wished to pursue, and how the Board could facilitate that.
Resolved – (a) That all partners consider how their work could integrate with and complement the issues outlines within the presentation, and (b) that the Chief Executive Ongo be thanked for their presentation.
111 (60) VOLUNTARY AND COMMUNITY SECTOR CONTRIBUTION TO THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Manager. Scunthorpe & District Citizens Advice Bureau gave a presentation to the Board about the contribution that the voluntary sector generally, and the Citizens Advice Bureau more specifically, had made to improving local people’s health and wellbeing. This covered a number of topics, such as addressing poverty through maximising income, assisting with disability or fuel poverty, improving employability, and tackling domestic abuse. The presentation culminated in a series of ways that the sector could improve health and wellbeing that might be explored further, such as social prescribing, the provision of coterminous services, and the provision of services that complement clinical interventions.
Following the presentation, the Chairman led a discussion around the contents.
Resolved – (a) That all partners consider how their work could integrate with and complement the issues outlines within the presentation, and (b) that a report on the innovative approach taken in Rotherham referred to during the presentation be circulated to Board members, and (c) that the Manager, Scunthorpe & District Citizens Advice Centre be thanked for their presentation.
112 (61) LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN’S BOARD ANNUAL REPORT – The Director of People submitted the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Annual Report seeking support from the Board in all activities underway to safeguard children. The Director requested that all partners consider the contents of the report, and incorporate them into any ongoing or future work.
Resolved – (a) That the Board receives the LSCB Annual Review report 2013/2014 and consider this in the future planning and commissioning of services to safeguard children, and (b) that the Board supports and encourages all agencies to use the single assessment and plan
113 (62) HEALTHWATCH NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE UPDATE – The Chair of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire submitted a status report on ongoing and recent work undertaken, including a ‘Voice of Local People’ consultation document. It was also confirmed that a signposting directory would be launched in January 2015.
Resolved – That the progress and findings of the recent engagement reports be noted and that Healthwatch North Lincolnshire continue to fulfil its role on the Health and Wellbeing Board, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board consider how Healthwatch North Lincolnshire can work more effectively with other partners on the Board.
114 (63) INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING PARTNERSHIP UPDATE – The Chief Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, submitted a report updating the Board on the work of the Integrated Commissioning Partnership. The Chief Officer highlighted work on the Mental Health Crisis Care concordat and declaration which was nearing completion.
Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the activity undertaken through the Integrated Commissioning Partnership since the last Board meetings, and (b) that the Health and Wellbeing Board note the development of the Mental Health Crisis concordat and the commitment of local partners to a local declaration.
115 (64) MEMBERSHIP OF THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted a report updating the Board on the status of a number of non-statutory members, and asking the Board to appoint an additional non-statutory member. The Director explained that recent changes to the structure of probation and rehabilitation services had required some changes in Board membership, and that a permanent appointment to the adult lay member post could now be made.
Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board supports the proposed changes to the Board’s non-statutory membership as set out in the report, (b) that the proposed members be appointed to the Health and Wellbeing Board, and offered relevant support and training as required, and (c) that the Board formally acknowledge the contribution of the temporary adult lay member during their appointment.
116 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING – It was noted that the next full meeting of the Board would be 9 am on 12 March 2015 in the International Room in the Civic Centre.
117 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS – The Chairman thanked all Board members for their input and wished them well for the Christmas period.