Planning Committee – 23 October 2019

Chairman:  Councillor N Sherwood
Venue:  Conference Room, Church Square House, Scunthorpe
Time:   2.00 pm
Email address:


1.  Substitutions

2.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).

3.  To take the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2019 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign.

4.  Major Planning Applications.

5.  Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

6.  Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note:    All reports are by the Group Manager – Development Management and Building Control unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT:-  Councillor N Sherwood (Chair)

Councillors Evison (Vice-Chairman), Bainbridge, Collinson, J Davison, Glover, Grant, Longcake, Southern and Wells

Councillor(s) attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Church Square House, High Street, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared a personal interest:-
Councillor Allcock
Minute – General; Application – General
Nature of Interest – Member of the Isle of Axholme Water Management Board.
Councillor Briggs
Minute – General; Application – General
Nature of Interest – Member of the Fire Authority and member of the Isle of Axholme Water Management Board.
Councillor Wells
Minute 1985 (i) Application PA/2019/181
Minute 1985 (ii) Application PA/2019/948
Minuite 1985 (iv) Application PA/2019/1145
Nature of Interest – Ward Councillor
Councillor Yeadon
Minute 1985 (vi) Application PA/2019/1267
Nature of Interest – Lives in the area.

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:-

Councillor Collinson
Application PA/2019/1267 Minute 1985 (vi)
Councillor Grant
Application PA/2019/1267 Minute 1985 (vi)
Councillor Hannigan
Application PA/2019/948 Minute 1985 (ii)
Councillor Marper
Application PA/2019/861 Minute 1984 (i)
Councillor Rowson
Application PA/2019/861 Minute 1984 (i)
Councillor Wells
Application PA/2019/1267 Minute 1985 (vi)
Councillor Yeadon
Application PA/2019/1267 Minute 1985 (vi)

1983    MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 25 September 2019, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.

1984    MAJOR APPLICATIONS – The Group Manager – Development Management and Building Control submitted a report containing details of major applications for determination by the committee, including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.

(i)         PA/2019/861 by KCS Developments Ltd for outline planning permission to erect 55 dwellings, including drainage infrastructure, public open space and associated landscaping, with appearance and scale reserved for subsequent approval at land to the east of High Burgage, Winteringham.

The Group Manager – Development Management and Building Control updated the committee and informed it that the application had been called in by Councillors Ogg, Marper and Rowson.

Five objectors addressed the committee and in doing so raised a number of concerns.  The majority of the concerns covered the following areas :- The development was outside the settlement boundary limit, it would set a precedent for future development, impact on the character of the village, increase in traffic, impact on the infrastructure, impact on the drainage systems, loss of habitat, overlooking other properties and was over development for the area.

The agent responded to many of the objectors concerns and felt that many of the areas had been dealt with during the 18 month consultation period, and tried to address many of the issues that had led to a delay on the application. He indicated that the drainage problems would be mitigated through the use of appropriate systems to avoid any issues. He also stated that an ecological report had been completed, the highways and footpaths had been taken into consideration, and that the location was appropriate on that site and would have no effect on the settlement or visual amenity. In addressing the committee he highlighted the housing crisis, and the risk of North Lincolnshire Council not fulfilling their five year land supply and that the development would help fulfil the five year land supply for the authority.

Councillor Rowson had concerns about the application and the impact on the area, in particularly the fact that it was outside the development boundary and in the open countryside. She felt it was not in keeping with the village, the council already had a five year land supply and therefore the application should be refused.

Cllr Poole indicated that after listening carefully to all the speakers, the development was out of the boundary limit and felt it should be refused in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.

Resolved – That the planning application be refused due to the reasons stated in the officer’s recommendations.

(ii)        PA/2019/981 by Mr Liam Dexter for outline planning permission to erect up to 13 dwellings with all matters reserved for subsequent approval at land rear of Chesswick Crescent, Keadby.

The agent spoke on behalf of the applicants and stated that the application had been submitted prior to the authority having a five year land supply. He also indicated that it was a good site, they had looked at the highways and made changes with no statutory objections.  He felt it was a sustainable location, there would be no overlooking or shadowing and was a modest size development.

Cllr Briggs spoke as the local ward member and stated that the development was not required, and they did not have to defend it now the authority had a five year land supply.

Cllr Allcock stated he had listened to all the speakers, taken into consideration the five year land supply issues and highlighted the fact that it was outside the development limits, in the open countryside, and that the access, proximity was unacceptable to other dwellings in the area.

Resolved – That the planning application be refused due to the reasons stated in the officer’s recommendations.

1985    PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Group Manager – Development Management and Building Control submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.  The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate.  Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)         PA/2019/181 by Mr M Wright for planning permission to erect 9 dwellings, including demolition of existing dwelling, workshop and outbuildings, and associated works at Orchid House, Howe Lane, Goxhill, DN19 7JD.

Resolved –That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(ii)        PA/2019/948 by Punch Partnerships Ltd, Punch Partnerships (PML) Limited for planning permission to erect four dwellings with associated works at The Fox Inn, Front Street, Ulceby, DN39 6SY.

The agent spoke in support of the application informing the committee that the development was within the development limits, and was well established within the local plan. She highlighted that the concerns of the parish council had on the access and confirmed that it was suitable and safe. She also felt that conditions attached to the approval would mitigate any impact and concerns.

Cllr Hannigan after visiting the site said he had reservations about the application, not particularly the development but more so the access proposals, and the reduction in car parking. He urged the committee to hold a site visit before making a decision on the application.

Cllr Wells agreed with the previous speaker and felt that a site visit should be held.

Resolved – That the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the committee to visit the site.

(iii)       PA/2019/1108 by Mr Romero Howe, Brighter investments for planning permission to erect extensions and a detached garage, including alterations, demolition and associated works at Pademoor Cottage, unnamed road between Crowle and Luddington via Leam House, Eastoft, DN17 4PZ.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(iv)       PA/2019/1145 by Mr & Mrs Hilditch-Hayes for planning permission for extensions and alterations to a dwelling including raising the roof height at Havengate, Ferry Road, Barrow Haven, Barrow upon Humber, DN19 7EY.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(v)        PA/2019/1182 by Mr Kev Reavy for planning permission to erect dormer bungalow with integral garage at 34 Doncaster Road, Westwoodside, DN9 2EE.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(vi)       PA/2019/1267 by Mr Wayne Martin for planning permission to erect detached garage at 5 Alan Crescent, Scunthorpe, DN15 7PL.

Speaking against the application an objector urged the committee to go take a look at the garage before making a decision on the application. He indicated he was not against them building a garage, but the materials being used did not fit in with the character of the area, it was very large, and was not very pleasant to look at.

Cllr Yeadon spoke as the local ward member and stated that the size of the garage was an issue. She indicated it was a two storey garage, very visible to several houses, and it was already partially built in different materials with the roof made of sheet metal.

Cllr Poole having heard the speakers felt the committee should have a site visit before making a decision.

Resolved – That the application be deferred to the next meeting to allow the committee to visit the site.

(vii)      PA/2019/1306 by Mr Christopher Woollas, Woollas Security for planning permission to erect a security building (to replace existing security cabin) at Security Cabin, Sandtoft Industrial Estate Road 1, Sandtoft Industrial Estate, Belton, DN9 1PN.

The applicant attended the meeting and informed the committee that due to the expansion of the business a more suitable accommodation was required. The current one was no longer fit for purpose as it had no running water or adequate facilities. He stated that he needed larger premises to provide more security around the Isle.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.