Planning Sub-Committee – 6 October 2000

PRESENT: Councillor Ellis in the chair.

Councillors Fordham (vice-chair), Grant, Holgate, P Kirk, Long, Regan, Rocks, Wardle and Wood.

Councillors Appleyard, Smith and Whiteley attended the meeting under the provisions of Standing Order 40(b).

The sub-committee met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe

203 COUNCILLOR JOHN BILLAM – The chair referred to the recent death of Councillor John Billam, whose funeral had taken place earlier in the day.

Members and officers observed a minute’s silence.

204 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY OR NON-PECUNIARY INTEREST – There were no declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest.

205 REQUESTS TO SPEAK – STANDING ORDER 38(b) – It was reported that two requests to speak had been received in accordance with Standing Order 38(b). The chair briefly outlined the procedure, indicating that the individuals would be given the opportunity to speak prior to consideration of the relevant application.

206 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this sub-committee of 8 September 2000, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chair.

207 (145) APPLICATION DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING FOR SITE VISIT – 00/0809 by Keigar Homes Limited for erection of 15 dwellings with garages and associated access/parking together with the installation of roads and sewers, also to include a garage for 37 North Street, at land rear of 35 and 37 North Street, Winterton (minute 141 refers) – In accordance with the decision at the last meeting, members had undertaken a site visit earlier in the day. The chair advised members that it had not been possible to give either an objector, who had asked to speak, or the applicants, reasonable notice of the changes in the arrangements for this meeting to enable them to speak.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until the next meeting in order to give the applicants and an objector the opportunity to speak prior to consideration of the application.

208 (146) HISTORIC BUILDING GRANT – 20 BUTTERWICK ROAD MESSINGHAM – The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report on this application for grant aid. The report set out the background to the application, details of the proposed works and resource and environmental implications.

Resolved – That a grant of £1375 be offered subject to satisfactory completion of the repair works.

209 (147) PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the sub-committee, including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. Officers updated the schedule orally in respect of late representations and other significant developments since its preparation.

Resolved – That the following applications be approved in accordance with the recommendations contained in the reports.

(i) 00/0716 by Mr & Mrs Blore for erection of a bungalow on land adjacent to 19 West End Road, Epworth.

(ii) 00/0837 by RL & P Anson for change of use of post office/general store to domestic accommodation at 2 High Street, Luddington.

(iii) 00/0845 by Mr M Pinnock for erection of a single-storey extension with pitched roof over at 8 Low Burgage, Winteringham.

(iv) 00/0855 by Mr D Hughes for erection of a domestic extension of 8 Saltergate Road, Messingham.

(Note: The Director of Environment and Public Protection advised the sub-committee that the neighbour objection referred to in the report had now been withdrawn following amendments to the application. The Parish Council, however, maintained its objection.)

(v) 00/0857 by Ms E A Ferguson for outline planning permission to erect a detached house and double garage at Ash Tree House, Front Street, Ulceby.

(vi) 00/0945 by Mr M Plastow for consent to carry out pollarding to three sycamore trees protected by a tree preservation order, one of which is in the conservation area at 16 Simpson Close, Barrow-upon-Humber

(subject to additional conditions specifying the works to be carried out and requiring an officer to be in attendance whilst the works are carried out).

(vii) 00/0974 by Mr and Mrs M Crowder for outline permission to erect a dwelling on land off Thorngarth Lane, Barrow-upon-Humber.

(subject to an additional condition requiring the completion of the extension to the car park before development commences)

(viii) 00/0978 by E Chesman for change of use of a dwelling to a children’s day nursery and out of school facility at 307 Wharf Road, Ealand.

(Prior to consideration of this application, a representative of the applicant and an objector addressed the sub-committee. The applicant’s representative argued that there was a local need for the development. There was an industrial estate opposite the site which, along with the nearby railway line and motorway flyover, created far more noise than the proposal would. The volume of traffic would fluctuate with no more than seven cars arriving or leaving the site in any ten minute period.

The objector, who lived next to the site, stated that whilst she accepted the need for a nursery in the area, many of the children would be coming from some distance away. She opposed the application on the grounds of an alleged threat to the safety and welfare of the children and to the amenities of neighbouring properties. The site was close to a railway line and to a deep canal both of which would pose a danger to the children. The house was too small to accommodate the number of children proposed. The noise from the children would be intolerable.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection advised members that it was acceptable to locate such uses within areas of mixed use. On balance the proposal was considered to be acceptable)

(ix) 00/0979 by Mr P Edgar for erection of a two-storey extension to an existing dwelling and construct a new driveway at Holmewood, Churchtown, Belton.

(x) 00/0982 by J J Gallagher Limited for Section 73 Consent to Vary Condition 2 of outline permission 97/0830 to extend the reserved matters submission deadline to 12 September 2001 at Gallagher site, Doncaster Road, Gunness.

(subject to the same conditions as imposed on the outline permission)

(xi) 00/0994 by Mr & Mrs J Shucksmith for erection of a cattery at 381 Messingham Road, Bottesford.

(Councillor Holgate declared a non-pecuniary interest in the following application, 00/1005) and abstained from voting thereon).

(xii) 00/1005 by Mr R Coddington for change of use of a ground floor to a taxi office at 4 Collum Lane, Scunthorpe.

(subject to an additional condition restricting the permission to a period of one year).

(xiii) 00/1016 by Aldi Stores Limited for consent to display an illuminated pole sign and two illuminated fascia signs at Ashby High Street, Scunthorpe.

(xiv) 00/1023 by Mr N L & Mrs L Harriden for change of use of a dwelling to a guest house at Greengarth, High Street, Wroot.

(xv) 00/1034 by McDonalds Restaurants Limited for erection of a restaurant and creation of new access and car parking area (resubmission) at part of former garage site, Glebe Road, Scunthorpe.

(subject to an additional condition requiring the premises to close at 11.30 p.m.)

(xvi) 00/1035 by McDonalds Restaurants Limited for erection of a restaurant and creation of a new access and car parking area (resubmission) at former garage site, Glebe Road, Scunthorpe.

(subject to an additional condition requiring the premises to close at 11.30 p.m.)

210 00/0810 by Mrs L A Simpson for a certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of land for showmen’s permanent quarters at Ponderosea, Johnson Lane, Crowle.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection advised members that, in considering applications for certificates of lawfulness, they should consider only matters of fact. If they accepted that the use had been taking place for at least ten years they had no option but to grant a certificate. In this case evidence had been provided dating the use to the nineteen forties. In his opinion this evidence was conclusive.

A neighbour had objected. In part the objection was to the principle of the use, however some of the evidence was also disputed, in particular it was claimed that the use as a showman’s quarters had ceased over ten years ago and that the site was now used also for commercial purposes, parking hot food catering vans which had materially changed the character of the use.

The Director advised members that, whilst the holding of fairs on the site had ceased during the nineteen eighties, this was not the use claimed. Fairground rides were still being stored on the site and being taken out on a regular basis. The residential caravans were occupied by members of the same (extended) family and the adult members were involved in fairground activities. Since the site had first been used there had been a change in the way in which such businesses were generally run. Food vans were now part and parcel of a showman’s business and were commonplace at events such as festivals and markets as well as fairs.

The objector had also alleged that, when considering the application, Crowle Town Council had been under the impression that it was considering an application for residential development. Officers had been unable to contact the Parish Clerk to discuss this although the point had no material bearing on the assessment of the application.

Resolved – That a lawful development certificate be granted for the use of the land as a showman’s permanent quarters.

211 Resolved – That the following applications be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.

(i) 00/0818 by Mr N Welton for erection of a single – storey domestic extension at Mildene, Ferry Road, Goxhill.

(ii) 00/1039 by Mr M Duffy for outline planning permission to erect a detached dwelling including details of access at Wyvern House, Bracon, Belton.

(iii) 00/1070 by Mr S Poppleton for outline planning permission to erect three dwellings on land off Wharf Road, Ealand.

212 00/1046 by Orange PCS Limited for installation of replacement telecommunications equipment including the addition of a new equipment cabin on the roof at 16 Broadway, Ashby.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until the next meeting in order to give the applicants and an objector the opportunity to speak prior to consideration of the application.

213 00/0970 by Wilsons Farms to site a residential caravan on site at Hall Farm, Middlegate Lane, Bonby.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred to enable further information from the applicant to be assessed.

214 Resolved – That consideration of the following applications be deferred until the next meeting and that members visit the sites prior to that meeting.

(i) 00/0945 by the Diocese of Lincoln for outline planning permission to erect five houses and garages with details of means of access not reserved for subsequent approval on land rear of The Vicarage, St Paul’s Road, Scunthorpe.

(ii) 00/0952 by Mr P Matthews for erection of a detached house and attached double garage on land adjacent to Greystones, Northfield Road, Messingham.

(iii) 00/0973 by Mr T Hazeldine, Reeds Hotel for erection of a hotel extension at Reeds Hotel, Far Ings Road, Barton-Upon-Humber.

215 (148) APPLICATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF RESERVED MATTERS FOLLOWING THE GRANT OF OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION – 00/0291, 0292, 0293, and 0294 by Mr D White (Plot 1) and Messrs S, P, N, D and A Fillingham (Plots 2, 3 and 4) for approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permission 97/0313 dated 30.5.97 to erect detached three-bedroomed houses with garages (Plots 1 and 2) and detached three-bedroomed bungalows with garages (plots 3 and 4) on land off The Hill, Worlaby.

Resolved – That approval be granted subject to the conditions contained in the report.